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provide us with entertainment influence to our opinion
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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 provide us with entertainment (10)
 influence to our opinion (10)

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zhanerke(7) pic

Media control people's mind

Media inflence to us without us knowing.Television making decision for us.Although it may seem lika the media tends to influence mostly just our consumer choices,it also may offect our opinions about the world or specific people and races.Also canal like Mtv  plays a large role in possibly causing viewers to negatively view a certain group of people.Some shows allow  us to see  how young people spend their time.Their time is  spent partying every night and drinking a lot.

provide us with entertainment

Side Score: 12

influence to our opinion

Side Score: 14
3 points

entertainments such as student partying drinking a lot helps us to see the consequences and helps be ready in future

Side: provide us with entertainment
kozlov(1754) Disputed
1 point

Perhaps it encourages such behavior??? Most of our knowledge comes from media. Do you know if it's correct?

Side: influence to our opinion
1 point

Media is the result of technological deveopment and of course it provides us with entertainment. However its affect our opinion, but it has not only negative consequences. There are also a lot of positive moments, so we can use media as a source of information which we need and it is our responsibility to think which information is important and do we need it, and which information may be harmful for our decision making process

Side: provide us with entertainment
1 point

Media sources of all forms and fields today firmly and steadily into our lives. Morning at breakfast, we turn on the TV to find out about some events, or watch your favorite music channel. On the way to work, set up the radio in the car. A daily morning newspaper with a cup of coffee - a traditional ritual for many modern people, even very busy! Well, let alone in the world get away from online media! Forums, online shopping, social networking - just can not even understand how a dozen years ago, we did without all this information paradise!

Side: provide us with entertainment
Elvira(3441) Disputed
1 point

Media is controlled by the government and large coorporations, I've never heard anything revolutionary or insightful on the news, ever. and if you downvote an argument, you're supposed to dispute to state why.

Side: influence to our opinion
1 point

One of means of obtaining information is the TV. There are many informative, scientific channels, also there are a lot of channels which show not so good movies, transfers, etc. The main thing what information is chosen by us for ourselves. Sitting in front of the TV it is possible to learn a lot of interesting, useful to itself in the evening. Also on TV show informative programs (animated film) which are very easily perceived by children. Generally the TV one of the main sources of information, is a pity that takes place display not so good transfers, not reliable information on which to an occasion there are people. Generally TV one of the most important sources of information, etc. And nearly I didn't forget how many people sit in front of the TV during the FIFA World Cup! ! !

Side: provide us with entertainment
kozlov(1754) Disputed
1 point

The information you see on TV informs you. But does it inform you correctly??

Side: influence to our opinion
1 point

I strongly agree that mass media controls people's mind. Advertisement may affect people's understanding of perfect life, style or appearance. Many advertisements on TV show very beautiful and successful people and many consumers think that if they buy certain goods or services they will achieve that success or beauty that people in advertisement have.

Side: provide us with entertainment
1 point

Media provides entertainment like sports, movies, TV shows, and other thing people can watch but it can also provide educational things as well. But before we even had media back then it was taught and invented in writings or things passed down from generation to generation, and the people's way of teaching things.

Side: provide us with entertainment
1 point

what about children? what about their imagination when they watch horror films or cartoons with crimes?

Side: provide us with entertainment
1 point

they are still children who do not realize what is true or false, they can even get a pshycological wound...which cannot be broken easily.

Side: provide us with entertainment
1 point

we can say that media is the social worker because we are updated by media .everytime we are depend on media because it provide us many kind of knowledge such as gold rate,condition of our country,trading news,puzzle,cross word,fill in blanks and it is also that what is happinig in our country /world,result,vocab.,bollywood news and about goverment work and rule. we can by media that how to make fertilize our field .Indian get employment 52 percent in agriculture etc.

hence we can easly say that media is the most important for us if i do not have media than leaders distroy our country.leaders fear from media.

therefor media is our tool because media can do everythig and it is also

helper of poor.when media show any news realated to our contry we become relish because media praise our country which we get more and more zeal.

Side: provide us with entertainment

Most media is there to provide entertainment especially during weekday evening hours.

Side: provide us with entertainment
3 points

The media has only provided one viewpoint, especially on the situation with the middle east. We are not encouraged to understand terrorists, but to reject them and become ignorant to what we are doing to their people and their country. It is unfair, in my opinion: we need all the sides to the story.

Side: influence to our opinion
1 point

I agree with you, only one side of the story is shown, and whoever tries to show the other story never seems to be heard on tv

Side: influence to our opinion
2 points

The media will only portray the most sensational of stories in order to meet the market demand. Consequently, there is a tendency to portray only one side of a story. The side of the story shown MUST be in accordance with the prevailing social attitudes. Therefore, in America, anything American is good. Anything not American is bad. And the less American is it, the more "evil" it is.

Side: influence to our opinion
1 point

Whether the viewer likes it or not, everything has a slant to it. It gets to all of us in one way or another.

Where does most of our knowledge come from?? The media.

Side: influence to our opinion

A 30 second commercial can influence you to run out and buy something, but a 2 hour movie has no effect on the average person's thoughts? Seriously? Its not "mind control" but it does influence thought to some extent.

Side: influence to our opinion
1 point

It dosen't control minds but it shure dose influence. My sister bought some face stuff because the media said it works.

They influence us in every front but if one is wise and reasearches topics then it is useless. Not many people are like this though.

Side: influence to our opinion
1 point

I think it influences the way we think in our world. There are times, wherein I see something in tv and then I think that the other person is sooo bad, but then I hear his own opinion, and then I think that he is not bad at all. It also makes me really think what is moral or not. Media is also subjective, and sometimes, it only show one part of our world.

Side: influence to our opinion