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RSS 62021054

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with this statement because without the government everyone would be living as equals which in some sense is good but in others is bad. There would be no higher authority or leader that creates laws and make decisions because no one would have to listen. Everyone would react to situations based on their own understanding of situations, and if everyone is being the judge, the jury, and the executioner, there would be no legal system and an uproar of violence. Everything would fall apart in a domino effect, relating back to the violence breaking out, as a result the economic system would go down because the crime in stealing would become daily. This would continue in a downward spiral because of human nature to make things more convenient for themselves. All in all I agree with the statement saying that it would be complete chaos if we did not have a government.

1 point

After reviewing both choices of living-- with or without a government, I would chose to live under a government. Ordered living provides countless benefits for a long term surviving nation. For example the US government provides us with security, stability, and order. If we were without the government's protection, there would be no safety of high profile people, a well as ordinary citizens that could be under attack at any minute. The stable environment that surrounds us give us jobs and financial aide, and equal right. Without this, the economy would crash and there would be no worth to physical money. The government also gives us order and laws which keep us from complete anarchy and complete disorganization. Although there may be some benefits to living without a government, it provides many more benefits. It would be more proactive to give up some of our freedoms in order to create a stable and functioning atmosphere. Theses key positives from living with a government bring me to the conclusion that I would feel more comfortable living with a government.

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