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RSS 62021180

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I do not agree with your opinion about how living without a government is better. One of my reasons is that taxation is in place to better the economy in your country and if you are not willing to pay those taxes that everyone is paying then you should have some jail time. These taxes also help pay for our military and our education that is free to everyone as long as they are not avoiding paying their taxes. The second reason is if there was no central power people would make their rules and mini civilizations and start having wars. Also without rule will cause mass chaos and that will cause major damage to all of the U.S that will cost money to fix but at that point money will be useless. Lastly wars will no matter happen due of disagreements between country's and continents.

1 point

I believe that living under a government is necessary in the world. Why I believe this is because government is what holds the U.S and other country's together. There is no reason to go against it mostly because no matter what government will form due to people needing some sort of order. Government is does do things that some people may not like, like taxes but they are needed to keep the country's economy working. Also without a government that means no pay for working, it also means that the education system goes in the trashcan. It also provides safety and control over the country, if we didn't have this would lead strait to anarchy and destroy everything we built up. Without higher ups such as the president and senate we would have no order in what we do each day, there would be no laws or rights. Without rights slavery could start back up and most of our history would be our present. All roads would be wore and destroyed in a anarchy because no one is going to take care of them. Lastly all jobs would not be in use anymore and most of our medical ideas would be lost in a country without a government, which means a major loss in population.

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