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Reward Points:5
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Many children choose nothing or have a wrong choice of activity for them, I think you were able to identify which activity u wanted, but other kids dont know yet.

3 points

since kids dont know whats the best for them, yet parents are aware of whats good and whats nt, then yeah they should decide. many children i know prefer doing nothing but playstation or xbox or wii, is that an activity?

I think they should force them but in a persuasive way so children love what theyll do not hate it hence hating all sorts of activities..

5 points


you should support your argument with better causes!

1 point

If that was the case, then why its not yet the language of majority?

nothing comes without an effort, see, i know some countries that are firm when it comes to their language, thats why there language is common and communication is easy, simply they legislate it and everyone in there must speak it! They are setting laws and developing that in a smart way naturally independent.

1 point

Yes there are benefits but the negative consequences shadow them. It is possible to put your child in single-sex school as ur claiming, thinking that s/he will not deviate in any way possible, but the truth is, yes he will, a simple example is the oppression and the experience that s/he will get if wasnt in that school!

Actually in my opinion, i think such schools are the door for deviation since it happens secretly between each other, it has privacy that opens the door for pervert-ism.

thats a part of my argument..

1 point

Students study abroad for educational reasons or some other reasons that i wont mention now. But for the initial, i am pretty sure that going through the whole procedure to study in a foreign university is not easy, first, to meet the specified requirements (eligible) second to finish the visa processes which is in many cases so difficult, third to leave your country. Yes they maybe hard to do, but what makes you do it is the higher and better education that you'll get. So, what a student normally thinks is: " I went through all this to get the best for me and my family in the future." In this case the student will aim higher, and make his/her best to make use of his time and money s/he spent for this education.

1 point

There in USA exist many nationalities, i wont count them now, and of those nationalities come many many languages, yet still live in the US. But we are missing one point here, many people mis-communicate because there doesnt exist a certain common language! I think yes, for people to communicate especially socially, at work, in schools, in shops, etc.. there should be a common language spoken where all people there understand each other.

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"I have my own opinion, no hard feelings if i oppose yours!"

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Name: AHOK 
Gender: Female
Age: 33
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Germany

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