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RSS Aimee30

Reward Points:14
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

No, Christopher Columbus was not even the first to discover America. I know of three sources that prove it. There have been Viking relics discover in the Americas that predate Columbus. Also, there was evidence that people from China may have discovered America and also people believe the Book of Kells has evidence that monks may have been there about the same time the Chinese were.

I have even read that there might have been visitors even earlier than that that stopped coming when Rome started conquering Europe. There is a Mystery Spot, in Masssachusetts I believe, that has buildings that are almost an exact replica of old Drudic buildings in Europe, among other items like a few similarities in languages of certain groups of Native Americans to older European Languages. Plus, if you believe the land bridge theory, then Native Americans discovered it long before.

In addition, Columbus used slaves to help get him to America.

I don't like the idea of slaves.

I think perhaps Marco Polo or modern day astronauts may have him beat.

2 points

Yes, people should be allowed to be who they are. If everyone were the same, there would be no variety. People have their own sense of humor and their own way of doing things. They should not be looked down upon for being themselves.

3 points

Yes, they are humans. It would be ridiculous not to. There are too many cruel people out there that make fun of people for their disabilities or treat them like they aren't as good as other people.

Please spell check this next time though, as the no people are posting ridiculous arguments based on your spelling mistakes.

3 points

I feel like the United States regulates people way too much socially. I don't feel like there should be big controls on how people behave--it's as if people try to control people who are different, such as you believe in something other people don't and they automatically think you should see a psychiatrist. You cannot hit someone at all in a way that hurts without risking an assault charge. You cannot say certain things in public without someone thinking you're a psycho. You cannot be a door-to-door salesman without a license. I think there are too many regulations.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes, people can be themselves.
Winning Position: Yes, they need to loosen up.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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