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RSS Alish18

Reward Points:29
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

exactly what i'm thinking about

ther is no doubt that conversation is more beneficial.

1 point

there is no doubt that reading is fundamental

but the question was about efectivness

you read, you learn how to speak, you speak, you improve your speech

so my question, does reading help improve your speech?

1 point

but there is a possibility that while you reading books you become very shy person who cannot express his thoughts in words, right?

i'm not arguing that people shouldn't read books at all, but practice conversation is the best way to improve your speech!

1 point

agree with u! converstaion will help to build your speech, you will feel more confident when you have an every day conversation full of useful information!

However, books are need to meet with other people's thoughts, and use it in a proper way..

1 point

I wonder how ancient people could get knowledge without book??

it is obvious that they progressed by having conversation and they wrote their thoughts in books right?

even nowadays scientists think before saying and after having a theory they write it on the paper

at any case converstaion is more beneficial!

do u agree with me??

1 point

Barcelona is the best! team play is on very high level! every player that had started training with Barca is very skilled and precious in other teams!

This is the only team that can play on a short distance!


1 point

i think you meant male, because he just gone through many girls, being tired of their numbers and now he wants to find one for long period of relationship

am i right?)

well, i can agree with that)

but i won't change my decision anyway)

1 point

oh c'mon, every people should believe in true love)

how you are planning to create your own family or it will be an arranged marriage?)

1 point

well, this is hard to believe=) i don't think that situation like this will ever happen)

but if you're asking, i will try to answer

so i'm 20 years old, i'm a student, so i don't have any job. My parents use to give me money, i still relying on them. at this case i will try to explain to my 30 years old gf that i can't afford some things that she does, and she mustn't pay for me.

well something like this)

1 point

It can be, but i won't agree with that)

every people have a chance to love, so the age shouldn't be a problem)

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