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RSS Anon551

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

dude i will say this the best way i can, but your dad and that bitch excuse for a wife make me sick, you and your brothers deserve much more than this, and so did your mother. I'm sorry about her... so many people in this world are just so stupid, I hope you and your brothers are either ok now and if not i hope so soon

1 point

If i could say the most descriptive word for my mom, it would be hypocrite. All my life my mom tells me to fight my own battles and stand up for myself, but the only fking time I ever have to is to her!! She gets pissed off at the most retarded of things, never will admit she screwed up and blames ME (WTF?) and tells me and my siblings to take responsibility for what we do, while telling me to never raise a hand against my brother she used to beat me as a child (making it hard to stand up for myself in the first place, because every time I spoke out against her I would get smacked every time), she tells me that how I'm retarded and makes it look like I can't be trusted and on top of that I have to set an example for my 4 siblings, how? She had sex and got pregnant with me her senior year in high school and dropped out and already was going to fail anyway (and she thinks she can tell me I'm retarded?), she never admits when she's wrong or will say sorry even if she fking knows she was wrong, she says I never take care of my stuff but I've taken care of the SAME PHONE FOR 4 YEARS!!! She has broken 3 phones in 2 months!!! She tells me I'm not allowed to say what I want (basically I can't express my feelings without getting bhed at) and she's not even a US citizen yet!!! She says how we have to express ourselves, and guess what, MY BROTHER ALMOST GOT EXPELLED BECAUSE HE WAS NEVER ABLE TO LEARN HOW TO EXPRESS HIS FEELINGS WITHOUT ANGER AND BECAME A BULLY TO A MENTALLY DISABLED KID, HE FUCKING THREATENED TO KILL HIM WITH HIS DAD'S (not the same dad as mine) GUN IF HE TOLD ANYONE ABOUT IT!!! MY MOM USED TO THREATEN TO SMACK US (ALMOST LIKE HE SAID IT) IF WE GOT C'S ON OUR REPORT CARDS!!! (YOU'RE ONE TO TALK ABOUT FAILURE MOM!) I can't believe that some of it has actually rubbed off on me! I almost smacked my brother for proving to me i was wrong about something! (I'm glad i was able to stop myself and at least apologize and admit he was right) Growing up, I had no father.... he walked out of my life before i was born, and my mom and my first step-dad were the worst role models i could ever have!! I just wish that my second step-dad (the one who is really a father to me) was my real dad, because he admits when he's wrong, he'd never dare raise a hand towards me or my siblings, he not only graduated high school, he went to college and had his own business, the first time he ever had sex was with my mom after they got married 7 years ago, he is trying to quit his smoking habits, he actually will sit there and let me say what's on my mind and respond with a way to help, he never gets mad at me and always tells me how proud of me he is, he loves me and my brother as his eldest sons (even though we had different dads) and he tells me and my brother about how much potential we have and whenever we have bad grades he tells me "Come on Bruno, I know you know this stuff, the teachers always talk about how you're great on the tests, but you don't turn in the homework. You can do it Bruno, you just gotta try." He taught me how to do my best and how to stand up for myself and how to think of all possibilities. I wish he actually was my father, so that i wouldn't have to look up to a complete hypocrite half of my life.

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