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RSS Benji6152

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
Benji6152(5) Clarified
1 point

I agree with you and as you said social media is something that has both pros and cons, as you mentioned there are dramatic effects that people do not experience on a day to day bases but you should still be aware of this.

Benji6152(5) Clarified
1 point

This could be something on the positive side but spending too much time on social media can be really harmful to teenagers. You also have to think about the negative side and what are some of the negative effects of social media towards teens.

-1 points

Social media is a tool something that can help through your life, although those effects can be positive and negative. If you look at the positive sides we can see that social media can help your social skills making it easier to express yourself to others. While the negative side, we can see that people tend to try to be like others causing self-harm and depression when not being able to look "perfect". As we can see social media and technology is something that could be used in both positive and negative ways.

1 point

I think that you have a point but if you where in a situation where someone could kill you and your loved ones, the most likely senario would be what Johnny did but I see why you think that.

0 points

Johnnys murder was justified because either Ponyboy or Johnny was going to die, they where drowning ponyboy and Bob was about to beat up Johnny they even had a blade. After killing Bob Johnny repeted the same thing "I killed him" over and over again, this told us how Johnny was not regreting his actions since he did something to defend him self and Pony. This tells us that eventhough Johnny is not treated correct by his parents he is still taught to defend others and even do things to protect his loved one.

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