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RSS Bloopy

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

China's population is more than the U.S and where is the political power?

1 point

China will be the 21st Century Superpower because of a number of reasons.

Economy Debt, Winner: China

China has a better Economy in Debt because since 2000-2014 China has been at the same point in debt and the U.S. has been increasing their debt. China has a better debt than the U.S. because when China built its economic growth it didn’t cost that much. Right now (2017) the U.S. owes about $20,603,755,500,902.

Military Manpower, Winner: China

China has better Manpower than the U.S. because China has more people to fight for the country. Throughout the years China has gained manpower to support their Military. China has about 290,335,670 more men than the U.S. Just because China has more men there can be a possibility of them losing a war, but more Manpower means that you have a more of a chance winning.

Political Influence, Winner: U.S.

The U.S has a better political influence because the U.S has a Democratic government and China has a Communist government. This means that some people prefer Democratic than Communist. Many people find the U.S. political power strong for a number of reasons. Some people like to live in a country that has Freedom to somethings (U.S.) unlike China that has not a lot of Freedom.

2 points

I do not believe that the bombings were necessary because thousands of people died that did nothing. Just because Japan bombed us first doesn't mean the US has to bomb Japan with a highly explosive bomb.

1 point

I agree with Hannah T because so many innocent civilians died from a bomb that the US did not have to drop to win.

1 point

The US should not have dropped a bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because millions of people died who did nothing. Another reason is the Japanese soldiers fought with bamboo spears and the US fought with tanks, bombs, etc. If the US didn't drop the bomb millions of people would still be alive.Quotes: "What Truman did not know, and which has only been established quite recently, is that the Imperial Japanese Army could never contemplate surrender, having forced all their men to fight to the death since the start of the war. All civilians were to be mobilised and forced to fight with bamboo spears and satchel charges to act as suicide bombers against Allied tanks. Japanese documents apparently indicate their army was prepared to accept up to 28 million civilian deaths." I used History for my source.

1 point

I do not agree with Luke's statement because if the US gets in North Korea's business there could be conflict.

1 point

I agree with Hannah's statement because if we do get in North Korea's business there could be war like she said.

1 point

I forgot to use a website, instead I used my brain. The websites that I would mostly use would be Quora or Wikipedia. Sorry

5 points

The US should not be worried about North Korea because if we get in their business, there could be a war. Another reason is if Donald Trump does something stupid and says something to North Korea we could be affected. If anybody says anything to North Korea there will be confusion or conflicts that will build and affect people. The best way not to be in a war is not to be concerned.

1 point

I don't agree because the people who have been vetoing for a couple of decades know what to do and if we put other people in the veto spots they could mess it up.

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