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RSS BoneMaster

Reward Points:-17
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10 most recent arguments.
-4 points
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-4 points
-13 points
BoneMaster(-17) Clarified
2 points

I'm a Jewish warrior..

No you're not. You're a lonely neurotic pensioner who continuously makes false claims about his own heritage.

12 points

I suppose they would


What's SO, is that I have a DNA test

LOL. Shut up you liar. You have a video sent to you by religious Jews in which they insist you are Jewish, but subsequently ignore the science which proves that you are not Jewish. Such as:-

Genetic markers cannot determine Jewish descent


'Jews a Race' Genetic Theory Comes Under Fierce Attack by DNA Expert

Absolutely hilarious really. You keep lying that you have a proper DNA test which says something ACTUAL DNA experts say is impossible.

What a retard. Lol.

2 points

Is this guy even for real with this, Nom?

The problem with trying to use the personal advertising of a Jewish ancestry website as an appeal to authority argument is obviously that they are NOT a form of authority on the study of genetics. The Frontiers in Genetics journal article you linked leaves no doubt whatsoever that they are giving out false information:-

Thus, in spite of considerable consanguinity, there is no Jewish genotype to identify.

2 points

Tell me a time in the last 60 years that the Democrats weren't defending & colluding with Russia.

All of it. Especially right now.

Seriously bronto, are you actually trying to persuade people that colluding with Russia is OK and that everybody does it? You sound exactly like the Hollywood paedophile who raped Corey Haim you sick fuck.

BoneMaster(-17) Clarified
1 point

If you come and crash my party, you will be asked to leave, peacefully, and if you don't, force will be applied.

Well that's stupid. Now you've explained your MO people will know the correct time to shoot you in the kneecaps is when you ask them politely to leave.

0 points

Negroids are a race, yes. They are one of the five races of humans. The others are: caucasoids, mongoloids, australoids and capoids.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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