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RSS CarltonH

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

If criminals, gangsters, and psychopaths cared about firearm laws and incarceration, they would not be "packing heat" in the first place. In the end, that would be hurtful to the innocent citizens of America who then cannot protect themselves against those who are out for blood and murder.

1 point

I agree with the fact that there should be mandatory child safety locks on firearms because I have heard of many instances where a child has cocked the gun, taken out the magazine, and shot themself because they thought the chamber was empty, when they actually loaded it. Ignorance is not always bliss, and therefore we should not let ignorance kill off children and other individuals.

2 points

Also, I believe that the restriction of firearms can be a bad thing. In the world America is today, mobsters, gangsters, and psychopaths are prevalent throughout the United States. There are around 126 documented American serial killers, not many are "gang bangers" or any of that sort. America is prevalent for producing psychopaths (according to other countries). These people do not care about the law, so restricting everybody's right to bear arms would be harmful to the innocent who want to protect themselves. Not everybody in America knows how to defend themselves while being mugged. A 75 year old lady cannot protect herself against a strongly build man in his mid-thirties while he is trying to snatch her purse. Guns should be regulated in America, but they should not be restricted because in the end, more people would be hurt than helped.

2 points

I believe that there should be gun rights because people deserve to protect themselves. Although people, such as the individuals from the Columbine Massacre or David Berkowitz from New York, have abused their right to bear arms, their mistakes should not affect the entire population of the United States. If restrictions are placed upon individuals for weapons, such as guns, the ability to protect themselves with those weapons are limited. Eric Harris, one of the two who fired upon students at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, was violating his Second Amendment right. People who follow the guidelines of the law would not be protected in court if they were to open fire upon radical individuals who misuse their weapons of destruction against humanity. The innocent individuals who protected society by open firing on the radicals would be sent to prison and incarcerated for doing the world a civil service. Although the misuse of guns and weapons is condoned, responsibility of the individual who purchases firearms and ammunition should be regulated by the local police for preventative measures.

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