
Debate Info

Advocates of Gun Control Advocates of Gun Rights
Debate Score:90
Total Votes:95
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 Advocates of Gun Control (40)
 Advocates of Gun Rights (39)

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trm358(75) pic

Maldonado- Government Class

Advocates of Gun Control

Side Score: 41

Advocates of Gun Rights

Side Score: 49
1 point

They should restrict gun laws. 109,518 people are shot in America per year and 300 each day. So aparently the law doesn't work as well as they like it does.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
CarltonH(4) Disputed
2 points

If criminals, gangsters, and psychopaths cared about firearm laws and incarceration, they would not be "packing heat" in the first place. In the end, that would be hurtful to the innocent citizens of America who then cannot protect themselves against those who are out for blood and murder.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

I Agree to a point because criminals don't care however putting restrcitions on guns would make it harder for criminals to get guns

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

This may be helpful if it were the case each gun toting citizen were Wyatt Erp. However reality shows that a non-criminal with a gun is a hundred times more likely to accidently shoot them self, than to fight off a band of roving pirates - or whatever.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

They should restrict gun laws. 109,518 people are shot in America per year and 300 each day. So aparently the law doesn't work as well as they like it does.

Gun legislation isn't directly correlated with gun crime. Examples include Japan and the UK, high regulations but minimal gun violence, in South American countries like Brazil there are regulations but high gun violence rates, in Switzerland lax gun regulations but low gun crime rates.

Culture seems to be the deciding factor.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

If it is by culture than comparing gun related violence relative to culture proves nothing. For example, you would have to show that Switzerland specifically showed no change in gun related crime statistically both before and after controls were put in place. And you would not be able to compare this to say Chicago, because culturally there may be circumstances outside of gun control specifically which factor in.

Fortunately though there are real life instances of both before and after gun crime rates related to gun control laws when coupled with enforcement which take into account things like a bad economy which would increase crime rates regardless of the gun laws being enforced. Chicago, NY, and DC are examples. Before strict gun control was put in place gun related crime was one of the highest per capita. Gun controls were enacted and crime rates went down relative to population, poverty rates, etc when compared on a national scale. Recently a court struck down Chicago's strict gun control laws, and now gun related crime is on the rise again. There is a correlation it seems.

link. Most law enforcement and agencies that look at crime rates are generally pro-gun control. However, an areas culture has an influence. Unfortunately gun proponents like to put all gun control advocates in the box of "They is gonna take you guns."

That's not the case. It should be the case though, that if laws are passed in Chicago to ban handguns, the voters in Chicago should decide whether or not they approve of this law. And it should not effect say rural Georgia, and certainly the NRA should not swoop in to demand a right that the people there do not want.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I believe that there should be gun control for the numbers of deaths through control is high enough and is rising with out it. Though guns are of course lethal it is the person whom holds that gun which makes it dangerous.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I support this because a gun cant operate on its own, and i believe this to be a true statement.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I am an advocate for Gun Control laws because without them, many of the guns are falling into the hands of the wrong and dangerous people. I do believe people should be able to carry guns, just not everyone. The laws would make it harder for the wrong people to obtain.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

I am an advocate for Gun Control laws because without them, many of the guns are falling into the hands of the wrong and dangerous people. I do believe people should be able to carry guns, just not everyone. The laws would make it harder for the wrong people to obtain.

This is incorrect. My family obtains guns through yard sales, and buyer proxies in order to prevent our names from entering a list. Obtaining guns is not prohibited by gun control laws for us, we simply outmaneuver the system.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

Weak U.S. gun laws have allowed traffickers to divert the sales from the legal market, to the criminal market with ease. 63% of private sellers approached as part of undercover stings at gun shows in Ohio, Tennessee, and Nevada, sold guns to purchasers who stated they probably could not pass a background check. Stronger laws would help keep weapons out of the hands of convicted criminals, dangerous mentally ill, and youth.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I support this argument because many times the people with the guns are criminals or people with ill intent. Stronger laws will further insure that this reccuring problem ceases.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I would also suggest raising the age of being able to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21, this would ensure that a resonsible adult, not a emotionally unstable teen, would own the weapon. (By responsible adult I mean an adult capable of making life changing decisions for him/herself)

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I agree for stronger laws would help keep control of weapons and the people to whom withhold them. It is very important that the undercover sellers are caught and laws to enforce such an issue could assist to that.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I agree that stricter background checks should be administered, as well as the company of some form of I.D. should be present during the purchasing of a firearm. I believe that the enhancement of these laws would greatly decrease the number of criminals receiving guns.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I agree for stronger laws would help keep control of weapons and the people to whom withhold them. It is very important that the undercover sellers are caught and laws to enforce such an issue could assist to that.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I agree totally with you the background checks for people that want to own guns should be more advanced and have stricter rules

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

Weak U.S. gun laws have allowed traffickers to divert the sales from the legal market, to the criminal market with ease. 63% of private sellers approached as part of undercover stings at gun shows in Ohio, Tennessee, and Nevada, sold guns to purchasers who stated they probably could not pass a background check. Stronger laws would help keep weapons out of the hands of convicted criminals, dangerous mentally ill, and youth.

Criminals do not follow laws, for starters. Honest and loyal people do, but criminals will evade any laws you put in place. You're just making the system slower and more convoluted for everyone else out of fear.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

Though gun control doesn't verify the end of gun violence we can try and lower the deaths of our fellow citizens by enforcing laws to restict the age and the number at which you are allowed to buy guns. Order and restrictions are important if we want to reduce and overcome the many deaths caused through gun rights.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I agree completely because the younger the gun holder the more irrsponisble they will be with them. People shouldn't be able to have more than two guns. Why would people even need more than one? The less guns in the world the less gun related deaths the police will have to deal with and less mothers and fathers that have to mourn their childern's deathes.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

Though gun control doesn't verify the end of gun violence we can try and lower the deaths of our fellow citizens by enforcing laws to restict the age and the number at which you are allowed to buy guns. Order and restrictions are important if we want to reduce and overcome the many deaths caused through gun rights.

If you want to avoid dying at the end of a gun, here are some tips:

-Avoid the poor and desperate parts of your city, slums.

-Don't physically assault strangers or verbally batter them all the time.

-If you have a gun, take courses on how to shoot it, and safety.

-If you have guns and children, keep the guns in a safe.

-If you live in a higher-crime area, learn how to use a gun, then carry one around for protection.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
megan.govt(4) Disputed
1 point

While you make a good point, that gun control would lower crime rates and protect people, the statistics may not support it. Between 2008 and 2009, when gun sales soared, the number of murders decreased 7.2 percent throughout the country, according to the FBI. Murders decreased more than 11 percent in big cities in that time frame. Maryland, California, and Illinois, with strict gun control laws, have higher homicide rates than gun-ownership-friendly states, like Texas and Oklahoma.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

Another reason why I support gun control laws is because people are buying and distributing guns illegally which leads to mor violence. "It is estimated that over forty percent of gun acquisitions occur in the secondary market. That means that they happen without a Brady background check at a federally licensed dealer (Cook, p. 26)." With the gun control laws, it is less likely that these guns fall into the wrong hands.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

They should do extensive back round checks on people who try to buy guns since you can change your name when you get older. They could be giving guns to a terrorist and they wouldn't know because they give guns out to buyers way to fast. One of those 300 each day could be your old friend from your childhood, your sibling that you haven't heard from for three weeks.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

The process of obtaining a gun should be narrowed down to a very high maximum requirement. Allowing for people to have that right, is putting other law-abiding citizens at a higher risk of being injured or even killed.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

The process of obtaining a gun should be narrowed down to a very high maximum requirement. Allowing for people to have that right, is putting other law-abiding citizens at a higher risk of being injured or even killed.

No matter the requirements that you have to pass to buy a gun, I simply need to go to a yard or garage sale to purchase one anonymously off the books. I can also buy a gun from friends, or pay someone to buy a gun for me. If I really want to take a risk, I can even find an illicit arms dealer. Yet in your narrow-mindedness you will buy a gun officially and have your name on a list, which as far as I am concerned is one of the stupidest things to do.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
WMCGHEE(5) Disputed
1 point

you would still have people who know nothing about gun laws carrying them at night though. So it wouldnt matter much

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

This is Rick Joers. I think that there should be stricter gun control but only to a point. If you look at today’s society movies and popular culture make it look cool to own a gun and to go shoot people but in reality shooting people can and will lead to murder whether it be because of self-defense or because or any other reason out there that might give you a motive to shoot a gun. Gun violence is ramped among today’s youth and with congress placing stricter rules on how a parent can raise their children the child gets an idea that the parent is their best friend and anything they do the “parent” will be cool with it. With parents no longer being able to discipline their children they can’t teach the kid what is right and what is wrong because congress says that they can’t because it would be child abuse, so children have to seek that parental guidance elsewhere and a lot of the time they find that guidance in a drug dealer or a gang member so way to go congress. Now I can side with the people that want gun rights in some aspects but for the most part these are the people that like to drink it up and have a good time and alcohol and weapons shouldn’t be mixed. When people get drunk they do stupid things and mix that with guns and you’ve got a dangerous combination. Gun control shouldn’t only go to a point every citizen does have the right to bear arms but where should the line be drawn, should violent criminals get guns or should only socially responsible people be allowed the privilege to own guns and that is what you have to decide when trying to control guns where should the line be drawn.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

If you look at today’s society movies and popular culture make it look cool to own a gun and to go shoot people but in reality shooting people can and will lead to murder whether it be because of self-defense or because or any other reason out there that might give you a motive to shoot a gun.

It doesn't matter how cool something looks on television or a video game, people can discern a difference and the emotion behind the real act is very different.

Gun violence is ramped among today’s youth and with congress placing stricter rules on how a parent can raise their children the child gets an idea that the parent is their best friend and anything they do the “parent” will be cool with it.

Speculation and hyperbole.

With parents no longer being able to discipline their children they can’t teach the kid what is right and what is wrong because congress says that they can’t because it would be child abuse, so children have to seek that parental guidance elsewhere and a lot of the time they find that guidance in a drug dealer or a gang member so way to go congress.

More hyperbole.

You're not a parent, are you?

Now I can side with the people that want gun rights in some aspects but for the most part these are the people that like to drink it up and have a good time and alcohol and weapons shouldn’t be mixed. When people get drunk they do stupid things and mix that with guns and you’ve got a dangerous combination.

Unsupported assertions.

Gun control shouldn’t only go to a point every citizen does have the right to bear arms but where should the line be drawn, should violent criminals get guns or should only socially responsible people be allowed the privilege to own guns and that is what you have to decide when trying to control guns where should the line be drawn.

When you restrict guns you're only restricting those who follow the law.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
TDWP(5) Disputed
1 point

With how today's society is the difference between right and wrong is skewed and it's hard to discern so just beacause they know it's wrong doesn't mean they wont do it, congress had made it harder to discipline your children that is not speculation get educated and it doesn't matter if i'm a parent or not do i need to be to have an opinion on something i hate democrats but do i need to be one to hate them that wouldn't make sense, on the alcholol issue i was simply making a statement that booze mixed with guns is bad and i was talking about restricting the laws of citizens i was simply possing a question about where you would draw the line because either way criminals are still going to get guns

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

Gun laws should be mandated to everyone throughout the United States. Firearms are one of the top killers in the U.S. today, and i believe that if we control it now, we can keep it under control for the long run. Everyone wants to live in a safe community, and we have the right to be protected against firearms and their carriers.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

Gun laws should be mandated to everyone throughout the United States. Firearms are one of the top killers in the U.S. today, and i believe that if we control it now, we can keep it under control for the long run. Everyone wants to live in a safe community, and we have the right to be protected against firearms and their carriers.

Cars kill people too, many more people actually. So does pollution, and knives and blunt objects kill too.

You are making an argument from fear, not rationality. Rationality tells us that guns are one of many ways you can die, but that the overall violent crime rates are low. Therefore guns are not worth fearing.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

This is Rick Joers. The Constitution grants all citizens three aneliable rights which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as long as we don't trounce on other people's rights and i think taking guns away from people is dening their happiness but by giving guns to questionable characters who might endanger our lives is hanpering our rights that is why i believe you must do extreme background checks on these people who want a gun

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

For most people that own a gun it is for game, hoppy, family. I think people should Own a gun if they are buying for the right reasons. We also use guns in wars they can save your life. We have rights to own a gun but not to go out killing random people. A gun is pretty much a tool. Just like hammers and everything else we use in your lives. We should not ban gun from people lives because people go out and try to kill you. People buy guns for show, gifts, money, and revenge. Cannot deny a person from defending there self’s. so there should be more laws.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control

Though our 2nd Amendment states that the people of the United States have the right to bear arms is it not stated in our Preamble that one of the purposes of our government is to insure domestic tranquility and promote the general welfare. If there is a risk to the general wellbeing of the people of our country is it not the governments place to do as much as possible stand between its people and the potential harm?

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
dcovan(170) Disputed
0 points

Isnt that the argument the robots used in the movie IRobot? That is the thing the government should tread very lightly on. What freedom loving person wants the government to make it their job to make you happy. I feel sorry there are people that want the government to take such an important role in their lives. please move to a socialist country where they will do that for you.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
NiqueEdmonds(12) Disputed
1 point

Apparently you didn't read my post correctly because I'm not asking the government to make it their job to keep me happy, but it is their job to keep me and my family SAFE. I am not asking for the government to provide personal escort for each member of our society from their couch to their bathroom, but I believe that there should be not only requirements to register for ownership of a gun and then restrictions on when, where, and how they use that registered gun. Does the fact that I'd like to be able to walk down the street in my neighborhood without worry about who has a gun around and what are they planning to do with it or having to carry one around myself to feel some sense of security mean that I'm not a "freedom loving person"? And also the argument that the robots in IRobot made was that they were trying to protect us from ourselves. Though that goes along the lines of what I'm saying the fact that I'd like for a name and face to go behind every registered gun doesn't mean that I want to be placed on lock down. As for your last little statement, that was completely incorrect and unnecessary. There was no need for any sort of personal attack so your little ad hominem should have been kept to yourself.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

why do criminals get away with shooting someone? because the Judaical system

supreme fight
Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I do support this and the points it brings but I still think restrictions on gun laws and such wont change much

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I agree because i think not every body is capable or responsible to carry on handle guns. Ther will always be the ones that will use them for purpose other than recreation,security or hobbie.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I gree with this because controlling or setting up striater rules to adquiere a gun irresponsible people will seffer more from punishment that will have longer jail sentenses or larger fines.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

In today's society we portray guns and violence as a way of life. We glorify to children that it's ok to shoot unsuspecting civilians with a sawed off shotgun, and it's normal to own guns just like a couch! I don't believe totally banning guns is the way to go, but we should come together as a nation and realize the path were headed down. In this era getting a gun is just as easy as going to the store and getting milk. We have made it to easy for people to obtain guns. Totally restricting them won't solve this issue though, it'll just escalate it. If we make obtaining permits for owning guns and distributing them stricter than we can cut down gun violence tremendously.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

If these are the two options, then gun control is more helpful to society than "gun rights" (which is actually not what the NRA advocates, they take more of a gun anarchy stance).

At any rate though, the two are not mutually exclusive.

Take for instance cars. Cars kill people and so we have car control laws. You cannot drive drunk, you need to stop at red lights, you need to be 16 or 18 to drive one, you need to get a license, States reserve the right to take your license away, etc.

This correlates directly with gun control. Not having gun control is not a right's issue. It's a let-8-year-olds-drive-drunk-and-run-red- lights issue.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
0 points

you should use mandatory child safety locks because kids are young and don't know whats wrong or right

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I support this statement because this is becoming a growing problem in the U.S. Many unresponsible parents leave their guns out where children can reach them and the children play with them and shoot themselfs or another person. Gun Control laws that enforce mandatory child safety locks would cut down on this issue associated with guns.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I agree with the fact that there should be mandatory child safety locks on firearms because I have heard of many instances where a child has cocked the gun, taken out the magazine, and shot themself because they thought the chamber was empty, when they actually loaded it. Ignorance is not always bliss, and therefore we should not let ignorance kill off children and other individuals.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I agree with this because I wouldn't want for one of my younger siblings to get a hold of a gun and accidentally harm themselvess or others.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

I agree, but at the same time, it is the parents' responsibility to teach their children about gun safety and to always treat them with respect. If a parent does not take the time do this in order to further protect their children, then they should not have a gun inside their home in the first place.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
3 points

Guns have helped shaped America as a whole and are deep in are history. They are not tools of destruction or death, they are actually very useful, whether they are being used as protection, for competition, for hunting or at a firing range as a way to relieve stress. Ask yourself what you would do if an armed criminal broke into your house to assualt you and you had no protection because there is a gun ban, what would you do then? Creating stricter gun laws not only gives criminals more of a reason to break the law to possess them but also hurts are own economy as well because american companies who manufacture guns and gun products (ammo, holsters, etc.) will lose alot of money. Our society is raised with guns everywhere we look in games, movies, toys you will see them and going against them does not make anything better because guns dont kill people, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

I agree with this statement like you state at the end "guns don't kill people, people kill people". I could just as easily stab a person in a major artery with a pencil as i could shoot them, but i don't see anyone trying to band pencils!

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

i support this statement because it is very true./bbusbin

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
2 points

While it is tragic that people do use guns to hurt each other, keeping people from defending themselves will not help. According to one study, two out of three instances of gun use were defensive. If criminals knew that they were putting themselves at a higher risk by attacking people with guns (because the victims might be armed), they probably be less likely to commit the crime.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
11aerick(15) Disputed
1 point

Though I understand your argument I would have to repectfully disagree. A criminal is a criminal wether or not the victim is with weapon or not. Take the shooting in fort hood for example. The man intentionally shot off his gun and had knowledge that on a military post, there are weapons especially when going out to deploy. So although victims may have a better chance of defense, it does not guarantee that a criminal would back down and that would definitly not create peace but more violence.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
arod(5) Disputed
1 point

Just because it may but the criminals in danger doesn't mean they wouldn't do it.

In 2009, police recovered at least 239,883 guns in connection with crime. If there is that much gun crimes then the criminals are apparently willing to attack people with or without guns.

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

In 2009, police recovered at least 239,883 guns in connection with crime. If there is that much gun crimes then the criminals are apparently willing to attack people with or without guns.

Your conclusion doesn't follow. All you established is that there are many gun-related crimes.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights

I don't want to use the clique statement that most criminals are cowards, but I'm sure that there wouldn't be as many violations if the criminals knew that there was more of a chance that they would be equally match.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

I agree with your statement. If more people knew how to protect themselves either with or with out guns, criminals would be less likely to commit any kind of crime for the fear for their lives.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
2 points

The British have recently banned knives with sharp points, which could possibly be used as weapons. If we start with gun bans, where does it end? Who will decide what is a dangerous weapon or not? This is not to say that there should not be federal or state restrictions on weapons, only that it should not be carried out to an extreme. People should be trusted enough to responsibly bear arms.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
arod(5) Disputed
1 point

If are saying that people should trust one another to bear arms responsibly does that mean that if someone with a gun breaks into your house you will trust them not to kill or shot you. In this time and age you cant trust a complete stranger with anything. Ex-specially if some of those strangers kill one another with or without guns(suffocation, etc.).

Side: Advocates of Gun Control
1 point

i totally agree with u here. because everything stated in this arguement is very much true.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
2 points

The laws that the advocates of gun control want to place are understandable. Who wants a raging serial killer with guns or any kind of psychopath for that matter? Of course no one does but, the laws that they want to pass such as changing the age a person can own a gun, do rigorous background checks, lengthening the time to which you can buy a gun or get your license, and limiting to buying only one gun a month, is against our Constitutional rights. Plus, if we were confronted with those certain criminals and/or psychopaths, how would we defend ourselves if there were restrictions on gun control? It is our right to “bear arms” and the belief that the crime rates will go down because of more restrictions on gun control is not necessarily true. Look back on the Prohibition age, where alcohol was illegal. There was a significant rise in the crime rate in America during this time. Gangs and other underground groups popped up because of the ban on alcohol because since it was illegal, they could make quite a profit selling alcohol. Now days, there are restrictions on the age to which you can buy and drink alcohol. But, there are more alcohol related deaths than there are gun related, disease or cancer, and drug related deaths.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
2 points

I believe that there should be gun rights because people deserve to protect themselves. Although people, such as the individuals from the Columbine Massacre or David Berkowitz from New York, have abused their right to bear arms, their mistakes should not affect the entire population of the United States. If restrictions are placed upon individuals for weapons, such as guns, the ability to protect themselves with those weapons are limited. Eric Harris, one of the two who fired upon students at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, was violating his Second Amendment right. People who follow the guidelines of the law would not be protected in court if they were to open fire upon radical individuals who misuse their weapons of destruction against humanity. The innocent individuals who protected society by open firing on the radicals would be sent to prison and incarcerated for doing the world a civil service. Although the misuse of guns and weapons is condoned, responsibility of the individual who purchases firearms and ammunition should be regulated by the local police for preventative measures.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
2 points

Also, I believe that the restriction of firearms can be a bad thing. In the world America is today, mobsters, gangsters, and psychopaths are prevalent throughout the United States. There are around 126 documented American serial killers, not many are "gang bangers" or any of that sort. America is prevalent for producing psychopaths (according to other countries). These people do not care about the law, so restricting everybody's right to bear arms would be harmful to the innocent who want to protect themselves. Not everybody in America knows how to defend themselves while being mugged. A 75 year old lady cannot protect herself against a strongly build man in his mid-thirties while he is trying to snatch her purse. Guns should be regulated in America, but they should not be restricted because in the end, more people would be hurt than helped.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

I agree somewhat with Carlton. Punishing everyone for a select out of whack few could be detrimental in the long run. As he[Carlton] put by restricting the sells of fire arms would put alot of people at risk, but it would not hurt more than helped. If there is a restriction on guns in America crimes would drop significantly. The government would control the distribution of guns therefore being more able to monitor who can, and cannot own guns.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
2 points

Criminals who want a gun will get them, even if there are strict gun control laws. Only the law abiding, future crime victims, will obey the ban. Even in countries that have a near total ban on ownership of guns, criminals will smuggle in guns, just like drugs are smuggled in. More sophisticated criminal gangs will even manufacture their own guns, or “reactivate” guns that were “deactivated”, such as in the UK. In short, no matter what laws are passed, criminals will have guns just as they have drugs. Banning a constitutionally protected thing because some people will misuse it is wrong, ineffective, and unconstitutional.

We don’t ban free speech because some people will say untrue and harmful things. We don’t ban religious freedom because some people will have suicide cults. We don’t ban the right to be represented by a lawyer because some criminals will use a good lawyer to get away with murder. Furthermore, having gun rights helps protect our other civil rights. Most guns are never used in a crime and most gun owners are law abiding citizens; we should not ban guns just because some people choose to misuse them

(in fact, ALL legal owners of guns are not felons since convicted felons are not allowed to own guns). The majority of gun-related crime is committed by people who are either already prohibited from having a gun by law (due to a felony or domestic violence conviction), or who would not be deterred by laws. The criminal who is about to commit murder, rape, robbery, or sell drugs, is not going to be deterred by a misdemeanor gun possession charge. On the other hand, the law abiding citizens whom we would want to have guns so that they can defend their homes, hunt, or enjoy the hobby of target practice, are the only people who would be deterred by gun control laws. I discuss this in further detail here, here and here. Guns are the great equalizer

Firearms allow the physically weaker members of our society (such as the elderly, women who are less physically strong then the men who might attack them, etc.) to defend themselves from physically stronger attackers. Taking away guns from the physically weaker members of society puts them at a disadvantage, relative to their physically stronger attackers. Furthermore, a person who is willing to commit rape or attack the elderly will also be willing to violate gun control laws, which puts the victim at an even greater disadvantage.

Although I live in a good area,which has an effective and professional police department, I feel better at night knowing that if I were left with no other choice, I could use a firearm to defend my family’s lives.

The fact is that even with an excellent police department and a home security system, it will still take several minutes for the police to come to your aid. Several minutes is an eternity when it comes to having a criminal in your home, and more than enough time for horrible things to happen. With a firearm (stored in a good safe when we are not home to prevent theft) I would likely be able to stop a home invader before they could commit commit crimes against my family. I sincerely hope I will never need to use a firearm against another human being, but my shotgun just might save our lives if a criminal breaks in to harm us. If someone broke into your home at night, could you protect your family without a firearm? I discuss this in greater detail here.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
2 points

I'm not saying that it's right but the reality of any controversial situation like this is that people are going to do what they want to do. Though yes it is said that some people use the rights given to them for wrong doing but why punish all for the mistakes of few. "Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year." (Gun Owners of America- Control Fact Sheet) This shows that like so many of our other privileges, the majority of the people use this in a very productive manner. Why take whats good away from these people when those set on causing harm we do so regardless, even if it mean finding another media.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

I agree with what you said. Let's say we got rid of every gun in the United States. A person wanting to commit a crime could get a gun from another country, or use other mechanisms, i.e. a knife, or a bomb or who knows what else. People abuse other rights all the time...the freedom of press to slander public figures, freedom of speech to hurt others with words, and so on. People abuse their right to bear arms by murdering and maiming people, and they should be punished for doing so. However, taking away a constitutional right for the entire nation because a few abuse it is not the answer. We can't take away the freedom of speech because people say mean things to one another.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point


If private individuals have to rely on self-protection, is the purposeful action of the government to deprive citizens of the means to defend themselves actionable under the rationale of DeShaney and its progeny? Arguably, restrictive gun control laws that disable people in the face of potentially fatal violent encounters, which are abundant in modern urban life, exceed the governmental inaction that was held to be permissible in DeShaney. Such state monopolization of means of protection available to individuals transgresses the scope of permissible regulation in other areas, such as abortion. In self-defense situations, lives of individuals may be at stake because of the immediacy of potential harm and the inadequacy of response by an unarmed citizen facing a criminal attack.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

Our Bill of Rights does not grant rights, it preserves and guarantees pre-existing individual rights. How do we know this? The Ninth Amendment states: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." In other words, we have other rights beyond what is expressly stated in the Constitution, and the federal government is not granted any powers to deny us those rights. Now yes the constitution preserves citizens the right to own a gun, but this right can't contradict a person's right to feel safe in their own country. If a person feels that they need a gun to protect themselves and/or family, then as long as they use wisdom when it comes to the weapon then there will be no issue. It's when people choose to use guns as a solution to problems, that we start having trouble. Terrorist, gangs, idiotic shooters, and others are all examples of individuals who use weapons for harm; and when people fear these individuals they start to feel they need weapons for protection. We won't be able to solve a thing if everyone is so terrified of being killed that they're running around with guns! As a society we must use intelligence when it comes to guns; for example if you have kids don't leave your guns lying around, or somewhere easy for them to get to. Keep them under lock and key, and keep the key in a place where you only have access to.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

I believe also that if you have a gun, you should know how to use it and respect it properly. If more people knew how to use a gun (or any kind of weapon and/or fighting techniques) defensively, then there would be fewer injuries or deaths cause by accidental gun fire. Also, if more people knew how to defend themselves properly, then the less likely criminals would commit crime because they would not know who can defend themselves and who cannot. Therefore making them hesitant for fear of their lives.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

I lost my uncle due to gun violence, therefore gun control is a subject that I adress with the utmost importance. It is established that many use guns in self-defense, and the image of the weak, physically disabled citizen being tormented by the violent, unforgiving criminal comes to mind. But what has yet to be mentioned is the look on a mother's face when she has to bury her child, the feeling in the hearts of the brothers and sisters that realize that their lifelong companions will no longer be there to experience life with. We have the right to bear arms, this right was given to us with the manufacturing of the Constitution, but on must take into consideration all of these things before choosing a gun to kill another.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

A young boy is picked on all year by a bully (a boy who has failed the third grade twice and lashes out on the other boy to feel superior). At the end of the year the boy finally decides it is time to give the bully what he's had coming all year. He goes into the storage cabinet where he knows his father puts his hunting pistol and places it in his backpack like freshly printed homework assignment. "Never touch my gun!" Memories of the conversation he and his father had about the weapon pop into his mind, but he discards them as he remembers all of the torture the bully has put him through. The next day at recess the boy comes up to the bully with the look of revenge on his face. As he pulls the gun out of his backpack, the bully notices the gun and begins toward the entrance of the school. The boy fires the weapon wildly, three shots were fired; one hit the bully in the neck, seriously wounds him, another hits the trunk of a tree, and the last hits an unsuspecting girl in the face and kills her. The boy was only trying to defend himself.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

I feel as if things should stay the same because even if you do put limits on the gun rights people will still be able to get the guns they want and do the same things. Im sure most criminals dont go buying guns and having a gun license. Making this law will do nothing at all to affect whats going on in the world today and if it does it will be very minor.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights
1 point

While it is completely understandable why many Americans feel as if having possession of guns is irrational,perhaps those people need to consider the fact that in the United States Constitution(which I remind you is the document that our country was built upon),it states that Americans have the right to bear a firearm(2nd Amendment). This right already restricts inappropriate behavior with guns and states they are to be used in self-defense. Taking this right away from us is the first step in disobeying the constitution,which is also the first step to becoming a socialist society. Not to offend those who are supporters of Obama or anything but these are things that he actually wanted to and attempted to do. About last year,Obama considered writing a Bill that would prohibit the use of guns due to the fact that they play a role in gang violence in America. However,Obama should be informed that the leading cause of death in America is not murder by a lethal weapon,it is cardiovascular disease. In fact,death by a firearm is amongst the lowest leading causes of death. So,in order to keep our country at the somewhat stable democracy that it is now,I suggest we do not attempt to question the United States Constitution.

Side: Advocates of Gun Rights