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RSS ClaudiaS

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
ClaudiaS(14) Clarified
1 point

What is an exmaple of a way they spread diseases like the black death?

ClaudiaS(14) Clarified
1 point

Which of the warfares of the Mongosl was the most violent adn most develstatign to both an empire and the population?

1 point

The Mongols ahd killed my whole empire adn, Lu Xiufu was my advisor, was my only hope consideredign how I was onyl a young boy.

1 point

If my father the prior Song Dynsaty ruler did not surredner, then my brothers and I would have been killed with him. I agree with this notion becuase they didn't jsut punish you but then punished all those associated with you.

1 point

I did not like the Mongols because they had made my dad surrender but luckily I had managed to escape, I also did not like them because they conquered the dynasty as I was trying it (my Song Dynasty was conquered by Kulai Khan) If he did not surrender then we woudl ahve all died

1 point

I was the ruler of the Song Dynasty and they desroyed my empire hence then leaving me empire conqured.

2 points

I woudl like to support this argumetn becuase I am Zhao Bao and I was the brother of the leader of the Song capital who surrendered to Bayan’s Mongols in Hangzhou and was able to escape to south China to help leaders like Yang Liangjie. So the mongols ahd made by father suuredner or else he woudl be punished.

1 point

The Mongols were able to expand empire for example usign trade and building roads, bridges and expansign the silk road trade adn eventually connectign the east adn west through trade.

1 point

Communication strategies like military tactics ex.) unlike nomads they didn’t just all attack at once

5 points

Created best organized army in the world shows civilization working together ex.) quote from Jack Weatherfrord where he says “In a Flash the Mongol army could defeat every army, capture every fort, and bring down the walls of all the cities they conquered ''. also organized army into 1,000, 100,10,000, 10

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