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RSS Dinoeater345

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1 point

Let me just say this the bible is not full of crap neither is it fictional humans believe that because we are sinners. The bible is 100% true therefore It cannot contradict itself. The reason you people think the bible contradicts its self is because you have never thoroughly studied it. The bible is like a complex puzzle when put together becomes clear.

Now with the case of Jesus having long hair That cannot be proven we don't know what kind of hair he had. Even if his hair went up to his shoulders the bible does not specify how long "short" is. People just cut it really short to be safe "better to be safe than sorry". of course there is also common sense "we cant just say that hair going down to our hips is short".

Now Samsung of course is an exception to this rule since its his covenant with god. To put it simply god and Samsung's mother made a deal in which if god gave her a son (With superhuman strength) then he couldn't have his hair cut. for example its like with privateers they were special pirates who were authorized by a government by letters of marque to attack and plunder foreign shipping during wartime.

I one of the comments I believe there was a misguided person who wrote that Jesus was a feeble man. That is not biblical it comes from satanism. Yes Jesus was poor but not feeble, normal. how dare you say that about the son of god well to be exact he is god, part of god since god is made up of three entities the father, the son, and the holy spirit.

Lastly the guy that compares the bible to a fairytale here is evidence and prophecies that have come true that proves the bible exists. Go here:

here is the order I recommend you follow:

1)science section (especially if you believe in evolution)

2)total onslaught

3)rekindling the reformation

if you choose to watch the videos or not its not my problem. but I do not like when someone judges something without having the facts. haven't you ever heard the saying "never judge a book by its cover" and that goes to you people who say that they will go to hell. We have no right of judging them either since we are all sinners.

Also THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HELL that is something the roman catholic church made up. They mainly got that from greek mythology hades and from misinterpreting some parts of the bible.

once you die you die and when Christ comes he will revive all those who died and judge everyone dead and alive. there also is no afterlife or reincarnation that is all spiritism. as the saying goes "dead men tell no tales". and if you are asking "what about ghosts" and "my dead grandma who talked to me last weekend" they are all just demons masquerading as people we know. hello there are angels and demons in another dimension that we cannot see but they can see us and know everything we have done. don't forget satan is the master of deception.

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