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RSS DrReapeMan

Reward Points:12
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

But is a good debater one who wins every argument, or one who knows how to answer appropriately? I think that winning itself does not necessarily show a good debater.

1 point

Yes because no one can be on nature it's not possible...

1 point

This is a repeat of my above comment so please ignore or respond to my other...

1 point

It has to be people, because people are impure and, as a Christian, I believe that Religion is impure. I believe in faith above being (quote) "religious". Religion is how you respond to a pure thing as an impure human. You must understand that I do not believe in going to church or climbing a "being good" ladder, I believe in living for god and loving others and trying to live as Jesus lived. Jesus never started a war and Nether has my god, it has always been us humans. Always the bickering humans.

1 point

It has to be people, because people are impure and, as a Christian, I believe that Religion is impure. I believe in faith above being (quote) "religious". Religion is how you respond to a pure thing as an impure human. You must understand that I do not believe in going to church or climbing a "being good" ladder, I believe in living for god and loving others and trying to live as Jesus lived. Jesus never started a war and Nether has my god, it has always been us humans. Always the bickering humans.

1 point

I am not a Yank but I have to argue that any Democratic system lacks in 100% fairness to all parties and all voters due to the voting system itself. However it is not possible to make a perfect system because humans are not perfect.

1 point

Sheep can supply both meat and wool. To harvest the wool does not require the sheep to be slaughtered. Pigs on the other hand supply only meat, and that requires the death of the pig. Both can also produce milk but that is not really a massive commodity.

1 point

The ability to accept another's argument as as valid as your own, and therefore respond in a respectable way.

Winning Position: Yes this site is

About Me

"I don't actually have a position in UK politics they simply all piss me off."

Biographical Information
Name: Jacob Bolton
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United Kingdom
Religion: Christian-other

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