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Reward Points:12
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7 most recent arguments.
Dynamic(12) Clarified
1 point

So to clarify, are you saying that you believe humans are meant to be caretakers of this planet? You speak of the unknown, so are we also here to discover the unknown or to be caretakers of all things to come? I am not asking this is a negative way, I am honestly just curious. :)

1 point

This is my example. This is why "we cannot prove or disprove there is a god" is asinine. We have logic for a reason, we need to use it more.

Supporting Evidence: Hermione's logic. (
2 points

This is my example. This is why "we cannot prove or disprove there is a god" is asinine. We have logic for a reason, we need to use it more.

Supporting Evidence: Hermione (
2 points

Our position in life might be something like we see in the movie "Wall-E." However that sort of state of existence would form fit a science fiction novel or conspiracy theorist's idea that we could be placed in a catatonic state, in which we are serving as some power's idea of a greater good or control. If we have a technology that allows us to live without moving then you could place an entire population into a catatonic state and allow them to live in dream world without ever having to face the stresses and risks of "real life." You just stumbled on the beginnings of the Matrix. :P

1 point

Art is what you make it. Anything in life can be art. All art requires is a passion and creativity for the different facets of existence we perceive to be beautiful to us.

1 point

Honestly, I believe that currently humans do not have a purpose. I wonder all the time if we are a cancer of the planet. We destroy, corrupt, spread, and consume in a similar way to a disease. You can draw all sorts of connections and analogies between us and diseases but honestly I think that is not quite it. We also might be here, unknowingly preparing for what our purpose as a species is one day to do. Maybe venture forth to a new solar system or galaxy, no other "known" species could have a hope of doing such a thing. Mathematically there is something, probably a species, out there far greater than us in intellect and progress. Even if that progress or even their state of being is something unfathomable to us and incomprehensible even if we were to learn of it. (EG: Ants do not understand us, if we were to find something move evolved than us then it reasons to stand, we would not understand it.) Maybe our connection to other things/species out there is our purpose for the FUTURE. More to come from my mind, I would like to hear from yours though!

0 points

Prove that everything happens for a reason? Since I do not believe you will be able to complete such a monstrous task I will venture that it is not provable. This means to me that it is not true. I believe I have witnessed plenty of things that have had no purpose. However, this does not necessarily make me right in believing so; these things might well have had a purpose. Either way it is not something you can prove one way or another and therefore is conjecture. I understood your meaning but I just believe we cannot use this as an argument towards whether or not humans have a purpose.

Winning Position: Do humans have a purpose as a SPECIES? (Not as individuals) If not, will we one day?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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