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RSS FWeatsBooty

Reward Points:7
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Admit that your only reason for being agnostic is so you can be a dick to a wider range of people you stunted little monkey clit.

1 point

Save out democracy, that's what Trump is doing.

What democracy? You mean republic right?

You need to quit watching only MSNBC/CNN et. al. and wake up to reality.

Right wingers say that while watching only fox news, it's pretty pathetic.

0 points

I don't support late term abortion.

You assert that I do, which can only be a statement rooted in either ignorance or dishonesty because it's not true.

You literally believe that a mindless bundle of cells has more value than any form of nonhuman sentient life, because you say that life begins at conception and believe that to abort at any stage is immoral and you also strongly imply that to even spend a moment worrying about an animal's well being is wrong in a world where the supposedly far more important issue of abortion exists.

Conclusion: You are intellectually and morally inferior.

0 points

So you can't address the fact that you think a bundle of cells is more valuable than a sentient being? Let's talk about that. I don't support late term abortions you worthless intellectually dishonest retard. YOU are the one in support of valuing a bundle of cells more than a sentient being just because it's a "viable human ball of protoplasm" or whatever.

Winning Position: I'm going to bend Nom's dick in half like a glowstick and paint his butt hole blue

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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