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RSS FrankL

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

The bible is FALSE.

Here is just one example of many:

Noah's Ark, is an impossibility. First off there were supposedly 7 pairs of clean and 2 pairs of unclean animals on the ark. Ask a ship builder, giving them the dimensions stated for the ark in the bible and they would tell you that with all those animals on board, the ship would have capsized. There was NO possible way to fit all those animals on the ark.

Secondly talk to a vet or a person in animal husbandry. The fumes alone from all the urine would have killed Noah and his family. Ammonia is one of the most deadly, toxic fumes known to man. The amount of the ammonia fumes alone would have killed the family.

Then you have the manure. That the fumes from this would have blown up the ship. See there was NO electricity on the supposed ark, they would have had to use torches, open flame to light their way. Think of Timothy McVeigh and what happened in Oklahoma? That was in effect a manure bomb, and the same kind of explosion that happened there would have happened on that ark.

Next you have the feeding of all these animals to overcome. There was no Walmart, there was no Blue service. How would you feed all these animals for the supposed 40 days and nights it rained, let alone all that time they waited for the waters to recede? Also logically, how do you keep the animals from eating each other?

Now you also have the problem of the dove returning with the olive branch. The world was supposedly flooded out. The plants would have been completely crushed under the weight of all that water. It would have also been salt water, which would have killed off all plants on the dry earth, because these plants are not designed to survive in such a salty way. So how the heck could the dove bring back an olive branch?

3 points

I stopped believing in this God and Jesus Christ after I got raped by Father Leon Gaulin at St Thomas More parish in Durham NH in March of 1975.

I cannot believe in this evil fairy tale. If this God is all-knowing, all-seeing and knows what is happening to us, and also states that in the bible that harming a single hair on the head of a child is pure evil, then where the hell was he when I was being raped by this priest? Begging him and Jesus Christ to make him stop raping me?

Where are they matter of fact, when we the victims of these evil, disgusting, soul destroying and life destroying crimes are are still being denied justice and all those evil pedophiles and pedophile pimps whom moved these pedophiles around, are still being destroyed by them, are being still insulted, denigrated, being told we not only wanted our rapes, but enjoyed them and are homosexual because of them, or that we seduced our rapists, and each and every one of these pedophile pimps are free and called the Holy, Moral leaders of god's church, are praised and even made into Saints, are not punished one bit, while we the victims still are?

How many more of us victims of this evil, must commit suicide, or continue to have our lives destroyed? Because we are also supposed to believe that this god will give us justice for the evils committed against us, before this supposed sky daddy does something?

If this god is real? If this Jesus Christ is real? Then they deserve condemnation for what has been done to us, and for protecting and defending our rapists and their pedophile pimps, instead of helping us whom were so destroyed by this evil, that a lot of us simply give up and blow our brains out.

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