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RSS FrankModeya

Reward Points:27
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

I disagree, society has changed its perceptions on slavery and divorce.

1 point

The dog did not give consent wrt becoming your pet, why not take it a step further by marrying it without its consent ?

1 point

A mother's love will always be conditional upon existance, she can't claim to love a child if that child has never existed, there is no child to speak of.

1 point

All emotions are chemical reactions in the brain manifested into some human reaction.

But love is not just one emotion, its a combination. For example, empathy is a shared characteristic between those who postulate that they love each other. There is no one test we could do so I suggest we use a combination.

To prove they love someone.

1) a person can be subjected to a lie detector.

2)some Areas of the brain 'light up' when love (a combination of other emotions) is expressed.

We could compare the brain scans of an objective individual 'in love' with that of the person in question, if the areas that light up correlate, its not conclusive proof, but its something.

2 points

If I were to submerge my ipad in boiling water then throw it into a blazing furnace, should I be institutionalized, no,

well the ipad is my property, just like my life is my property, I legally own both as such

I can do whatever I want with them as long as it does not infringe upon anyone else's rights or health.

Besides, no one chose to be born, if I was forced into this world, it should at least be allowed that I choose to exit it at any moment I want without interference. Otherwise I do not own my own life.

Except in the case of siamese twins, our bodies have no physical intersection, the negation of my physical existance does nothing to yours.

The more pertinent question is at what age should people be allowed (by law, family etc) to commit suicide?

1 point

The captivation of animals against their will, this is entertainment..?! This is where a child is taken on their birthday, a glorified concentration camp.

1 point

1) Love is conditional upon existance.

2 Parties can't claim to unconditionally love each if 1 or both of them never existed.

Suppose a religous deity exists & claims to love you unconditionally. This is erroneous.

If you didn't exist both in the natural and spernatural realms, the deity could not claim to love you, there'd be no 'you' to speak of.

Even a mother's love is dependent upon existance.

2) Love is conditional upon awareness.

2 parties can't claim to unconditionally love each other if they both exist but aren't aware of each other's existance.

3) Love is conditional on the way we treat each other.

Suppose a married couple claims that they love each other unconditionally.

If on the day they first met, the husband had cursed, beaten and raped the wife and her mother after burning their house down, the marriage would not have taken place, their love was dependent upon none of these horrific events taking place.

Displaying 4 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Should there be any virtue in being beautiful,and should there be any shame in being ugly?
Tied Positions: No, its just a myth vs. Yes, size matters
Winning Position: No

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: South Africa
Religion: Atheist
Education: In College

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