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RSS Happyme

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
0 points

I'm sorry but I fail to see how your arguement shows any form of reason.

God created the world, he created everything in the world, but he didn't decide what everyone or thing was going to do. Yes, he knew what we would choose to do, he just chose not to stop us. Its all part of free will, and our ability to choose. Now, I think its free will that again is tripping you up. I'll start from the beginning, God created the world and everything in it. He knows what everyone is going to do from the beginning all the way to the end, but he still gives us free will, and a choice. Now, he gives us this choice because he wants us to be able to choose to either love him and follow, or to choose not to love him and not to follow him. That's why, even though he already knows what is going to happen, he still gives us free choice and will always give us free choice. Its all about being able to choose to love him. I just don't understand how that is hard to comprehend. Wouldn't you like to have free choice, and choose your road? The fact that God knows what is going to happen doesn't affect our choices, it just means that he knows what way we are going to choose. Now don't get confused, he may know what the outcome will be, but that outcome can always change, according to the way we, personally, choose to go.

Now, I'm sorry for being condescending, I didn't mean to be.

Let me know if you have any questions

now, for the atheist guy. I'm sorry to say, but there are some major flaws in your thinking. The ONLY way to get to heaven is to believe in and follow God. You have to make him your God, and follow him. Thats the absolute ONLY way to get to heaven. Now amount of good works, or deeds will ever get anyone to heaven.

0 points

Well, it looks to me that the only thing you are hung up on is God being all knowing and the fact that he gives humans the ability to choose. There are many bible verses I could throw into this but considering your mind isn’t open, I’ll just try to explain what we, as a Christian, believe. Don’t worry; I’ll try to put it into as simple of terms as I can for you. Yes, God did know what Adam and Eve would do, he knew about the devil, and he knows what we are all personally going to do. You can call it predestination, but its more like, I will use a metaphor to help explain for you, God read the book of the universe so he knows what is going to happen and is now re- reading it. Because he already read it, he knows what is going to happen the second time around. Now for free choice, we all as humans have free choice, which I don’t get why you don’t like that, who doesn’t like the ability to decide for themselves? You obviously used your free choice to decide not to believe, that means you are still using the free choice God gave to everyone. For free choice and predestination, since God knows what is going to happen, that’s what it means by predestination. He gave us free choice, we decide, and since he’s read ahead he knows our choices, which is predestination. If that’s too confusing let me know, I’ll try to explain it simpler for you.

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