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Reward Points:6
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

You are absolutely stark raving mad. If Jesus were around today he would be ashamed of you.

1 point

Can't believe I am saying this, but Norwich makes a point. Prejudice towards white people is racist just as prejudice towards any ethnic group is considered racist or in other words

White people hold all the power in the world and they have done so for many hundreds of years. When they try to play the victim and cry racism it makes me want to vomit. It's the worst false equivalence imaginable. Come back and moan when you've been segregated and enslaved for a few centuries you arrogant idiot. You're resurrecting the precise same "poor Aryan victim" arguments popularized by Hitler and if you can't see what the problem is with that then God help the rest of us.

1 point

You can't deal with the truth when it's printed clearly in English

What an absolute joke. You wouldn't know truth if it slapped you in the face. You're a spoiled brat who has never done a full day's work in your entire waste of a life. What you are is a perfect example of every single thing which can be wrong with a person, starting with the fact that you're a fucking idiot armed with a thesaurus.

1 point

Anyone who would describe a white person as;- ''disgusting, worthless, white piece of trash'' should indeed be banned for making racial comments.

Shut your idiot face you mad dickhead. You spend all day slandering blacks with names like "bongo", whereas it is simply a matter of fact that you're white trash. You are a sick, disgusting piece of dog shit.

2 points

As you will be very well aware Trump had an agreement with Mexico whereby all immigrants, illegals and genuine refugees/asylum seekers stayed South of the Mexican-U.S., border while their applications were being processed.

This agreement?

Trump migrant separation policy: Children 'in cages' in Texas

The way you distort reality is just absolutely ridiculous. I can tell you're someone who has never told the truth in his entire life, and furthermore you seem strangely proud of it. You're literally a horrible person. Truly disgusting.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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