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RSS Jamwao

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1 point

While I don't ascribe to your alien theory I do believe that things couldn't just happen this way. And carrying your thought a little further to conclude that they not only bonded but that they then transformed into the vast diversity of life we now have is a real stretch. It's much easier to believe that an intelegent designer decided that certain physical models work and thus things were created in a manor that made the system work.

3 points

I would argue that creation stands on a much firmer foundation then evolution. Even Darwin denounced his own theory before his death.

Additionally there are things in the bible that are not explainable by any other measure than a supernatural intelligence.

For instance the fact that our sun is traveling in an elliptical orbit through our Milky Way Galaxy was first mentioned by the Psalmist in (Ps 19:4b -6) “4 the heavens has God made a tent for the sun, 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; and it rejoices as a strong man to run his course. 6 Its going forth is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the ends of it; and nothing [yes, no one] is hidden from the heat of it.” Science has now confirmed that our sun is not stationary as was once thought but it is indeed traveling in an elliptical orbit through our galaxy.

Again in Job before we had the ability to do any deep sea exploration God contended with Job in Job 38:16 and said, "16 Have you explored the springs of the sea? Or have you walked in the recesses of the deep?" How could the writer of the book of Job 2000 years ago know about something we have only just now been able to confirm with the latest technology, that the deep sea contains springs of water in them. God goes on to say in (v25) "Who has prepared a channel for the torrents of rain, or a path for the thunderbolt," here God mentions “the channel of the torrents of rain” or in the modern vernacular, the "jet stream." And again God mentions things about the constellations to Job that nobody could know without a Hubble telescope. In (vv31-32) God says, "Can you bind the chains of [the cluster of stars called] Pleiades, or loose the cords of [the constellation] Orion? 32Can you lead forth the signs of the zodiac in their season? Or can you guide [the stars of] the Bear with her young?" (Job 38:31-32 AMP)

Only now with the help of super telescopes like Hubble can we see that the constellation we call Pleiades, is made up of a cluster of 250 separate suns all traveling in synchronous fashion through our galaxy. This cluster of stars has and will continue to be a cluster from the beginning of time to the end of time. It is literally bound together as God said.

By contrast the “belt” “(cords) of Orion” mentioned in the same text is made up of three separate suns traveling in distinctly different trajectories, and at some point in time they will no long appear in line as they do now, but will separate from each other, thus loosening their affiliation with each other. Amazing how’d they know that 2000 years ago?

And then there is the book of Daniel which describes the rise and fall of four successive world empires in vivid detail. The Babylonian Empire (605 BC- 538), Medo Persian Empire (538 BC- 331 BC), Grecian Empire (331 BC- 168 BC), and the Roman Empire (168 BC- 476 AD). Yet Daniel is a man living in a set period of time well before the rise and fall of these nations. So accurate is the interpretation of the Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter 2 that it explains in detail that the Roman Empire represented by the two legs of iron would begin as one and later be divided in two, East and West; Rome being the seat of the Western Roman Empire and Constantinople being the seat of the Eastern Roman Empire. Then in the latter end of that Kingdom it would be destroyed from within (i.e. the ten toes being part of clay and part of iron) symbolizing division. That during that time the God of heaven would set up a Kingdom that would have no end. (i.e. Jesus Christ and His Kingdom).

Now add to these facts that geologists still use the bible to locate ancient cities. Why because it is that accurate.

So I would say anyone who doesn't believe the bible is an accurate record needs to first explain how the writers of the bible tell us things we can only now confirm with computers and modern technology.

The bible explains the tides. In (Is 40:22) Isaiah was the first one to tells us the earth is spherical in nature not flat as was supposed by the people of his day. Aristotle proved Isaiah right some 300 years later. The fact that the heavens are still in a state of expansion has only been confirmed in the last 100 years using modern scientific techniques, yet in this same verse Isaiah says, “Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.”

Then there are the laws of sanitation God gave to his people to prevent disease. He had them wait to circumcise their children on the eighth day after birth because as we now know that is the first day coagulation of the blood is possible. In (Ec. 1:7) Solomon explains the earth water cycle regarding evaporation and condensation, rain and the return of rain to the sea in detail. “All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; to the place from which the rivers come, there they return again.”

Over and over again the bible reveals scientific details about the world around us making laughing stocks out of scientist that persist in questioning its authority. You would have to be a total ignoramus to not believe the bible.

And the bible is the only source that provides a reason for our being here, a valid explanation for how the first particle of matter came into existence. The bible accurately predicts that our current solar system exists in a closed system that is cosmological lingo for it having a definite beginning and a definite end. The strange thing about a closed system is that science proves that for a closed system to begin there must be an initiating force. Like a toy car you have to wind it up first then let it go. It wanders across the kitchen floor until it runs out of steam and then you have to wind it again. That is the definition of a closed system. So how is it that they can emphatically declare our solar system a closed system meaning they know it is winding down and coming to an inevitable end at some point in the future, but they willfully ignore the fact that to be such a system there had to be someone there at the beginning to wind it up and let it go.

So I feel like I am standing on some pretty firm footing knowing how the first particle of matter came into existence and what's going to happen from here. But the evolutionist has no answer for where that first particle of matter came from. They expect you to believe it just miraculously came into existence on blind faith. What? Did I say faith? Did I say miracle? I thought those two things were anathema to the atheistic religion. Oh yes atheist are people of faith alright they believe they are right regardless of the evidence to the contrary. They blindly accept the fact that they have no plausible solution to how or where the matter in the universe came from. Evolution is a hoax propagated by secular progressives in an effort to silence people of faith, so they can prosper in their efforts to create an immoral utopia devoid of any absolute truth or moral authority.

1 point

Capitalism is the better of the two.

However they both suffer from the same fate. Men in power can't be trusted. Those who have more naturally cling to what they have and the desire for more isn't satiated at any given point. If a lot is good then more is better. So those who have tend to horde the pie to themselves. This creates a natural injustice in both capitalism and socialism.

The reason that capitalism wins the battle over which is best is that it provides the best playing field for those who have not to attempt the climb to the top.

In the socialist form of government there is no upward mobility. It is much like the unions in America. In the socialist way of thinking there are just two classes of people. The working class and the bosses who govern the working class of the people. There is no middle class so there is no climbing the ladder of success. You get to the top because of who you are or who you know, not how hard you work.

1 point

The way this would look is very simple. The government needs to incentivize charitable behavior from the corporate world straight to those who need help. What the government does now is centralizes charitable care through welfare and other programs.


(1) Control: Bureaucrats use entitlement programs like a pusher uses drugs, to keep those they serve beholden to them. By being the supplier they maintain control over the purse strings of all that money. This is why socialism fails, because a centralized system of any kind be it welfare, socialized medicine, etc, left in the hands of a few power brokers is a tinderbox for greed, manipulation, and corruption.

(2) Dependency: Whenever the system of socialized care is centralized is creates a dependency that can be used by those in power to manipulate the people. Thus politicians can use their power over the people to generate fear and move the masses under them to carry out their every agenda.

How to permanently fix it:

To fix America all we need to do is decentralize the entitlement system. We do this by incentivizing charitable project work! Everyone knows corporation already use charitable giving as a write off. However at present the government limits the deduction given for charitable giving to between 30 and 50% of the total gross income.

What would happen if the Government began to give corporations like GE and Boeing a 150% deduction for giving toward charitable programs? What if people like Warren Buffet would receive the same? What if you received 150%, a $1.50 of deduction for a dollar invested for building new schools, or supplementing teachers’ salaries, or renovating inner city slums, or funding youth and elderly care centers, instead of the current limited amount?

What if we got rid of all the other loop holes and only provided tax saving through funding what traditionally were middle class taxpayer funded entitlement programs.

It occurs to me that the way to get more money out of the capitalists is to make it pay to be generous. Where there is a payoff the corporate world will jump on board.

The key to making it work is getting the money out of the hands of the bureaucrats. Getting rid of the middle man gets more money to those who need it. It conserves resources by putting the money directly into the hands of those on the front line. Those on the front line generally seek to stretch each dollar. Which makes the dollars go farther and get the corruption and manipulation of the government system out of the way. Then all the government would do is provide accountability via the IRS to make sure everyone the corporate world and the public plays by the rules.

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