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RSS KaylaLynn

Reward Points:2
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I never once claimed to be for any drugs being illegal. I agree that having manufactured cigarettes replaced by electronic cigarettes would be very beneficial, but I don't think very many people would accept that sort of change for whatever reason. It's kind of a hard topic, but I don't think making it illegal is the right answer. Not everything needs to be dictated by law.

1 point

Honestly, making smoking illegal isn't going to make anyone quit. It's not going to eradicate smoking in any way. Cigarettes will just be sold illegally and our government would be able to punish more people, maybe even send them to jail, for a victimless crime. If someone is aware of the risks (as I'm sure everyone by now is) and still wants to smoke in the privacy of their own home, I say let them.

1 point

While it's true that schools teach children valuable social and problem solving skills which are necessary if they want to get a job and prosper in the 'real world', the cram-for-tests system we're using isn't really teaching them anything for the long-term. Some teachers even realize that they only need their students to remember things for the tests and then do nothing beyond that. I believe most of the valuable skills children learn in school they do on their own by interacting. They would benefit more by learning critical thinking skills and being challenged to apply them. Of course, I can't encompass every single teacher just from my experiences. I'm sure there are some lovely educators out there who understand what would really help the children and do their best to incorporate that in their teachings.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Kayla 
Gender: Lady
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: United States
Religion: Buddhist
Education: In College

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