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Debate Score:40
Total Votes:40
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 Agree (19)
 Disagree (18)

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LizziexLaura(4278) pic

Smoking cigarettes should be illegal

If smoking does more harm than good why is it legal?


Side Score: 21


Side Score: 19

It should be illegal for the reason that second-hand smoke causes damage to non-smokers should make public use illegal. And the old 'there are worse things to illegalize' argument is illogical. What if I said "rape isn't as bad as murder, therefore rape should be legal'.

Side: Agree
2 points

if weed is illegal, then cigarettes should be illegal. I'm fucking sick of my dad smoking around me in the car. At least there have been no reported deaths from smoking weed. Fucking cigarettes kill thousands of people each year but that is legal. Hell no, that is the most fucking twisted thing ever. So yeah, i think that cigarettes should be illegal.

Side: Agree
1 point

Smoking cigarettes should be illegal because they can shorten the life of a normal human.

Side: Agree

There are so many things that do more harm than good, illegalizing everything would make us a very very illiberal country.

As long as every smoker knows of the complications smoking can cause, I don't see the reason why one should deny them from doing it.

I think instead of denying people to do it, why not encourage people to quit with giving them free help, therapy, nicotine chewing gums or whatever it takes?

Making it illegal it is not going to help.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I am going to try and argue against this topic. Lets see how this works.

There are so many things that do more harm than good, illegalizing everything would make us a very very illiberal country.

This is just about cigarettes. I only want to focus on cigarettes.

As long as every smoker knows of the complications smoking can cause, I don't see the reason why one should deny them from doing it.

I almost see it as a drug. It does far too much harm. You are just paying for death.

See here:,,20210803,00.html

I personally dont smoke but I wonder why people do if they know it will kill them. It seems odd to me.

I think instead of denying people to do it, why not encourage people to quit with giving them free help, therapy, nicotine chewing gums or whatever it takes?

I see. We do have commercials, posters, warning labels, gum, etc. It still continues. Same thing for seatbelts. We have commercials and stuff but we still cant make them protect themselves.

Making it illegal it is not going to help

Well they cant manufacture it so it may help of it did. It isnt like hemp because you can grow it and use it as it is. Cigarettes are manufactured.

Side: Agree
1 point

This is just about cigarettes. I only want to focus on cigarettes.

We can do that, as long as you consider for a while what actually is dangerous.

The milk in your refrigerator .. to take an example.

I almost see it as a drug. It does far too much harm. You are just paying for death.

I know you want to focus on .. cigarettes. But seriously .. almost anything you buy can result in death.

I personally dont smoke but I wonder why people do if they know it will kill them.

That's not true. It might kill them.

We have commercials and stuff but we still cant make them protect themselves.

A commercial is not going to do it. Would you ever show a commercial to a drug addict, with the hope that he is going to quit? If you are, then you are very .. stupid to be frank.

Well they cant manufacture it so it may help of it did. It isnt like hemp because you can grow it and use it as it is. Cigarettes are manufactured.

But there is no real reason why you would make it illegal.

Drugs are illegal because if you take in large amounts, or if kids get there hands on them you and they might die.

With cigarettes you will need a lot, and I mean a lot of cigarettes in a long time of period to be able to die from it.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Everybody knows it is harmful. But people are adults and can do what they want with their bodies. It's probably too engrained in the human culture, so it won't go away. We don't need to say what they can and can not do. I don't really want to be their nanny. Now, there is absolutely no problem with anti-smoking campaigns.

Side: Disagree
1 point

 It's probably too engrained in the human culture,

The easiest way to stop smoking would be to illegalize it. Manufacturing cigarettes would stop which would prevent many from purchasing cigarettes. We have about 40+ million smokers in the US. This number would radically drop. This would also save more lives in the long run.

Side: Agree
sauh(1106) Disputed
2 points

Because prohibition worked so well with alcohol, cut that problem out of society with no negative side effects.

Side: Disagree
KaylaLynn(2) Disputed
1 point

Honestly, making smoking illegal isn't going to make anyone quit. It's not going to eradicate smoking in any way. Cigarettes will just be sold illegally and our government would be able to punish more people, maybe even send them to jail, for a victimless crime. If someone is aware of the risks (as I'm sure everyone by now is) and still wants to smoke in the privacy of their own home, I say let them.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Experience shows us that making drugs illegal doesn't stop people from using them. Since Plato it has been a virtual truism, that "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." I am not going to say that drug users are bad, I would actually argue strongly against such an idea.

What's important to remember is that if we make cigarettes illegal, people will smoke them anyway. The only effect illegalizing them would have, would be to make smokers criminals. Now the one thing we surely don't want in society is more criminals, for obvious reasons. It's also important to realize that a criminal industry of cigarette manufacture will start, were we to make it illegal. Such an industry is highly unfavorable, because it takes away all the control the government would otherwise have. If the government want to control consumption, the government has to control production. It thus makes no sense for the government to put production in criminals only interested in profit and/or their own addiction. Making cigarettes illegal, as far as my analysis takes me, is not only irrational, it actually makes the problem worse.

Side: Disagree
1 point

What it's important to remember is that if we make cigarettes illegal, people will smoke them anyway. The only effect illegalizing them would have, would be to make smokers criminals. 

Actually we could just stop manufacturing them. That would make a critical difference. What will you smoke if you cigarette isnt made? Other drugs pretty mich come ready to use. Hemp comes ready for use. Cigarettes must be made.

Making cigarettes illegal, as far as my analysis takes me, is not only irrational, it actually makes the problem worse.

I have to disagree. If we stop production the problem must stop. This would also lower our cancer death rates in the United States. If production ceases the problem will eventually cease to exist as well.

Experience shows us that making drugs illegal doesn't stop people from using them. 

Again. Cigarettes are manufactured. It isnt like coccaine or weed. It does come ready in seconds. You dont make it. Cigarettes however must be manufactured.

Side: Agree
Nebeling(1117) Disputed
1 point

It isnt like coccaine or weed

Actually cocaine takes a whole lot of time to extract from coca leaves. The whole process is tremendously ineffective - that's why cocaine is much more expensive compared to many other drugs. Also preparing cannabis products takes some effort as well. So yeah, the point I am trying to make is that all drugs take some effort to manufacture - it isn't just restricted to cigarettes.

Actually we could just stop manufacturing them.

If we stopped manufacturing drugs, we wouldn't deal with the real problem, and that is demand. And as long as there is demand, there will be profit for the ones willing to take a risk at making and distributing cigarettes. A criminal network dealing with cigarettes would probably quickly emerge. So if we just stop producing cigarettes legally, we won't have taken away the incentives people have to buy and produce them; there will still be demand, and if there's demand there will be supply.

Cigarettes must be made

Not necesarilly. Where I come from a lot of people smoke hand rolled cigarettes. The only thing that needs to be made then is the tobacco and the rolling paper.

Side: Disagree
1 point

As much as I hate to say it, I have to disagree to this one, even though I know they're harmful. Making cigarettes illegal would not really improve anything, and people might smuggle cigarettes or just buy them from some other country which has even worse effects.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Making cigarettes illegal would not really improve anything,

I actually have to disagree with this. For multiple reasons. It would have radical changes.

An estimated 43.8 million people, or 19.0% of all adults (aged 18 years or older), in the United States smoke cigarettes.

 Cigarette smoking is more common among men (21.6%) than women (16.5%). Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, accounting for more than 400,000 deaths, or one of every five deaths, in the United States each year.

Now only 22.5 million people in the US use illicit drugs. With these number most people will not go out of their way to achieve a smuggled cigarette because these 40+ million people are your typical everyday citizen. I will say that the drug usage may increase but for my second stat the death toll for cigarettes will drop significantly. It will save more lives in the long run.

Side: Agree
sauh(1106) Disputed
1 point

I will allow that outlawing cigarettes would reduce the number of smokers. But there is another aspect of this question that you seem to be ignoring. What about the dangers of reducing people's personal liberty to make their own choices?

There has been ample dissemination of information about the dangers of smoking. People know it is harmful. If they choose to smoke anyway, how is that any of your or the governments business?

A lot of places have segregated smoking sections (see, you do agree with segregation) to keep non-smokers from being affected.

And before you say people can smoke around their kids; how people raise their children is, to an extent, an extension of their personal liberty to make their own choices.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I agree with you, and I worded it improperly. But still, you have to think of the short/long-term consequences.

Side: Disagree