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RSS LeslieKnope

Reward Points:16
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Every story is a love story and we're all a little bit gay

1 point

Capitalism is based on the idea of gaining profits at all costs - of personal gain above everything else.

The poorest in society, the working classes, have been forced to work for lower and lower wages and buy products that are more and more expensive. Capitalism has left them destitute and desperate - rising prices combined with cut welfare exposes the capitalists desire for profit at the expense of all else. The end goal of the capitalists is profit and therefore we cannot trust it to help the poor.

We only need to look at the economic and social status of the working classes in capitalist countries to realise that capitalism has well and truly failed the poor

2 points

Realistically, Syria is possibly the most complicated conflict of the modern age. We have already seen the controversy of Russian air strikes which have wiped out hospitals, schools, and office buildings. This has caused further mess within Syria and further tension between Russia and the United States. As we have seen throughout history in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc. etc. Interventionism does not work

1 point

You would need four trustworthy witnesses (not necessarily men), to condemn a woman for adultery as well. Also punishments are prescribed in Islam by God for people to atone for their sins. Stoning is relatively uncommon in official trials nowadays and they actually use beheading. Whilst this sounds barbaric, it is far quicker and less painless than either the electric chair or the lethal injection, both of which cause huge pain. Whilst the adultery laws may seem severe, many Muslims happily accept them because they believe that the punishment exonerates them from sin and guarantees them entry to Heaven. Also don't assume we're all Democrats or Americans here

1 point

The Bible also says this - Adultery is punishable by death in all cases, but murder is only punishable by death in some cases. (I am not for the death penalty for anything but this does show a certain level of hypocrisy)

Also the Bible prescribes genocide upon all people who worship ANY other God. Islam talks of Jews and Christians being brothers in faith, and, whilst the Qur'an condemns polytheistic beliefs it never encourages murder of innocent civilians, regardless of belief, outside of a time of war.

So If you wish to use the adultery argument for Islam, we must also apply it to Christianity and Judaism

1 point

The Qur'an encourages love, tolerance, and admiration towards women "The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) used to salute women and they used to reply his salutation." It also says how "man should observe his duty to Allah in respect to the women, and treat them well". The Bible however, talks of keeping slaves, of beating women, and tells you that "if your daughter is raped by a man, and refuses then to marry him - stone her to death"

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Free market = free people
Winning Position: Stay out or it'll get messier
Winning Position: No, Islam rejects other people

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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