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Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Beyza Ozer, I got you! This really explains the Industrial Revolution events that influenced Darwin's concepts. This was well done. However, I think you need to talk about how more Europe influenced/was influenced by Darwin's concepts and why these ideas and events were important during this time!

1 point

This is good, however I think you need to elaborate as to how everything develops from time to time. Also, give more details about what the survival of the fittest is and more about how it compares/differs to Darwinism concepts.

1 point

I agree with you, Beyza Ozer, because you clearly talk about how natural selection is the same to evolution and how it differs as well. Well done! (:

1 point

Darwinism and social darwinism are similar because these concepts talk about how genes/traits being passed down are effected. For example, social darwinism is survival of the fittest which says that if one can't survive, they won't reproduce, which means no traits could get passed down. However, Darwinism is different because it talks about evolution which are changes in species (to form new ones) not survival of the fittest.

1 point

This is very good. I like how you talked about the survival of the fittest because it's the main concept for Darwinism. However, just talk about the population in general, even though you did a nice job comparing the races which effects the environment! nice (:

1 point

I agree that Darwin's concepts contributed to eugenics. I agree because the concept of social darwinism is survival of the fittest, which means only the strongest will survive. When those who can't survive depending on the environment or the scarcity of food, those will die. When those that die, because they are weak, they will not be able to reproduce which effects the population. When the population decreases it effects eugenics. Eugenics is the concept where science tries to increase the population and species, so when survival of the fittest takes place, it decreases population which therefor leads to the need to improve population which is eugenics.

1 point

Go into more detail about slavery and how it effected Darwinism concepts. Talk about different concepts besides evolution and natural selection. And write the definitions of these concepts to really explain why or how these concepts relate to the events in the time period.

1 point

During the time of Darwin's concepts there was the Industrial Revolution happening in America. In Europe during this time, the population decreased rapidly and also the Agricultural Revolution took place in Europe also. This was during the late 1800's. The decrease of the population in Europe was an influence for scientists to find a way to increase the population back. This became the concept of eugenics. Eugenetics is to increase the population. In America, the Industrial Revolution was influenced by Darwinism concepts because its like concept of evolution which is a change. The industrial was a time where there were improvement in mining, transportaion, etc. which is why it became and influence for Darwinism concepts because it's changes.

0 points

During the time of Darwin's concepts there was the Industrial Revolution happening in America. In Europe during this time, the population decreased rapidly and also the Agricultural Revolution took place in Europe also. This was during the late 1800's. The decrease of the population in Europe was an influence for scientists to find a way to increase the population back. This became the concept of

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