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RSS Mattskates98

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1 point

1. Slipknot because they for one are metal.

2. Avenged seven fold are sell outs listen to their first album then all the others

3. Slipknot is different and good sounding A7x sounds like a lot of other bands and they are not original at all the pretty much copied Thrash metal bands Overkill's logo

4. Corey has amazing voice he can go from screaming to something more soft in a matter of seconds. and listen to stone sour for more of his softer stuff.

5. Drummers slipknots drumming is way more superior 1. better fills 2. faster 3. and holds more steady best and concentration

6. the lead singer for a7x sounds like a winy fuck who has something stuck down his throat

7. Like I mentioned before Slipknot's look and sound is way more original then theirs just look at them both you can very easily tell the difference.

9. Slipknot puts on more than a show which is amazing they get fans into it and they just go crazy on stage.

10. and they have also toured with some of the best bands and people ever Slayer, Ozzy , Godsmack,judas Priest ,Anthrax,kiss ECT

11. They have their own festival named after them knotfest

12.They are apart of a foundation to help teens out of depression. You cant say thats not awesome. It is called the you rock foundation

13. You cant say their lyrics are bad at least they don't make songs about having sex with dead bodies. Slipknot's songs have a lot of meaning like about the world at stake: all the situations at hand, be it personal or worldly, and trying turn things into a positive. Sometimes you have to face the grotesque to bring about something amazing.

You have to listen to the lyrics its no shoved directly into your face like a7x's lyrics because the members of slipknot are actually intelligent and know what they are talking about

14. Most of the members from slipknot had a rough past and have something to wright about rather then just making shit music.

15. The members of that band have other things than just their band going for them like Shawn is a director also and he helps out many bands including whitechapel get started. both gutair players have other bands. Corey has written two books and is staring in a movie and help create the You Rock Foundation.

i think I have made my point clear thank you.

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