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Reward Points:22
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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

No, I grew up with priest all around me, (not pedos lol) I knew they were all conservative pricks. Also opis day are the worst fascist cunts... and they are actually a recognised department in the Vatican.

1 point

Sorry people, irreversible climate change (ticking down to 4 years now) will spell the end of the world, then a water/food/oil world war .... the world is doomed, or totally fucked.

Plus the argument that Humanity *sorry for biblical theme I am no Christian) has a hole in it's heart. It will never be at peace there will always be war and murder.

Dam I have a positive outlook on life.

Anyway been nice knowing you (some of you :P)

0 points

In this debate there are very complex arguments and maybe the most complex of all arguments, Whom is Right and who is Wrong...

I think the spectator has to look at what they believe in.

OK Democracy, This means people power (demos cratis) the people of south ofsetia want a republic and had a (sorta democratic vote) they should not have to be Georgian any more. Long ago the Georgia should have devolved some power to eases tensions. (i do not believe that € of the population just randomly found passports in there pockets...)

Sovereignty Human rights and War laws. - Russia fails for all the reasons you already know. And more on human rights because of the huge abuse in Russia (Go Amnesty)

Russian in the wrong all together though, invading = BAD

interesting the Russian Claims about genocide however I do not believe the Russian propaganda machine.

(sorry if I miss spelled anything or if the gamer is awful, but really I do not care I type how I talk.)

1 point

am gona go with no,

just to annoy people who see actual arguments to the contrary in this random debate

so it is a no just for the bantor (Scottish translation means laughs)

1 point

when i see that picture i see 1939 Germany, the Jewish man with the big lips. this is to far, have we become so jaded that we do not see this is propaganda. the ignorant masses (republicans) :P see this and it verifies in there stupid minds that Obama just sound to much like Osama. Fair enough challenging him on something else on policy or other, but this is a personal attack and it is unacceptable.

1 point


Humas is stupid's

1 point

Gealic gaidhlig

3 points

42 minuets said Tony Blair.

-1 points

If you look at this from a neutral prospective then it was a crime against humanity. An American life is not worth more than a Japanese life, the matter of right or wrong makes things more complicated. Japan was in the wrong, however a people cannot be held accountable for there leader especially if they did not elect there leader. The Japanese autocracy was in the wrong, but the uneducated abused public did not deserve to be devastated for the crimes of there government. So the United states of America were morally wrong in there decision to drop the bombs, and the argument that it was to save life is flawed and in my opinion wrong. Incorrect

4 points

if a parent who can't control there kids has to resort to physical pain to keep them in line, what message will that reverberate in the adult that come next, maybe violence is an answer to qural. I do not agree, although i accept that it is not excessive and that some parents need to spank,But it is not the way to deal. kids are not born to misbehave, they learn these things from adult, if a kid act's up he/she wants attention and a good parent should nurture there kid by giving time to them.

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Gender: Dude
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: Aland Islands
Postal Code: 00000
Religion: Agnostic

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