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RSS Real-Hebrew

Reward Points:19
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10 most recent arguments.
Real-Hebrew(19) Clarified
1 point

1. I'm not a modern day "Christian"!

2. Do you have a precept to that verse?

The Bible tells you how to pray, so even if we pray in our closets and we pray the way the Bible tells us to, we are praying correctly. We real Israelites do not pray down to satan like Muslims do; we do not pray to a wall; we do not pray to a statue, nor do we pray to a stone wall (kabba).

Real-Hebrew(19) Clarified
1 point

How can you tell someon!e that mary is not a god to catholics? I used to be a catholic, my mother is a catholic so I'm pretty sure I know what mary is to catholics! Also, can you stop being a creep and stop following where I comment, I'd appreciate.

Real-Hebrew(19) Clarified
1 point

Catholics worship 3 gods; the Virgin Mary, la Virgen MarĂ­a. They believe that Mary is their savior because she gave birth to the Messiah. Why do you think they have statues of the Virgin Mary all over their churches, on photo frames. Then they have god and jesus (zeus).

Muhammed is a false prophet, he is a direct descendant from Abraham, but not of the chosen seed. Muhammed is of the seed of Ishmael and Yahushuah (Jesus) is of the seed of Isaac. Ishmael is the father of all the arab nations and Isaac is the father of the chosen seed by the Most High Yahuah, Yachob (Jacob) or Israel which is the greatest nation that will rule the earth in the new Kingdom.

Real-Hebrew(19) Clarified
1 point

They worship at a wall and they worship the wall. That is the reason why they put their heads on the wall and pray. They put their right hand on the wall and read scripture from the Bible; they worship the wall and the Bible tells us how to pray.

1 point

Because the topic is: Should homosexuals, transsexuals, so on, be allowed to marry?

Two people of the opposite sex can produce a child, therefore that is correct. If a woman cannot produce a child but the man can, they can still marry because they are not the same sex and when they engage in sexual intercourse, they can possibly produce a child during sexual intercourse.

1 point

" if two people of opposite sex can't have children should they be denied marriage?"

You stated if two people of the OPPOSITE sex, not same sex. The topic is about homosexuals and transsexuals, not the opposite sex.

Real-Hebrew(19) Clarified
1 point

What does that have to do with two people of the same sex?

If a man and another man have sex, where does the sperm go? A man cannot have child because he is a man and not a woman. Two women can't make a baby because there is no male sperm to fertilize the egg.

1 point

This question will determine if GLBT should be able to marry.

If homosexuality is right, then why can't two people of the same sex produce a child?

If two people of the same sex can produce a child, then they should be allowed to marry, but if they cannot, then they should not be allowed to marry.

1 point

Where are the precepts to your claims? Without precepts your claims are false. This is the reason why I say no one knows the Bible but the real Israelites.

1 point

Are you ever going to answer my question or do you not know the how to find precepts?

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About Me

"If something can be created from nothing, then a Higher Power does exist."

Biographical Information
Name: Yisraela Yisharal
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Israel
Postal Code: 91000
Religion: Other
Education: Masters

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