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RSS Rivers

Reward Points:8
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10 most recent arguments.
Rivers(8) Clarified
2 points

Yes it would seem quite ironic of this debater to imply that he or she personally feels a certain way but to then give a fact that contradicts their initial statement of belief. Maybe this falls into that categorical impression of the conflict between belief in something to knowing something [to be true]?

Rivers(8) Clarified
1 point

Why are you making these convictions of my post, of what I must say would be long overdue, if considering the fact that it was nearing two weeks when I created commentary..? Secondly as a "footnote" to my first questionnaire from the above first line; I was making a critical response to Nana-Ilama about her critique of your post.

3 points

It is lie often told the by Reverends that God has given us free will but at the same time thank Him for all our graces. But what of all our vices?

Rivers(8) Clarified
1 point

Refrain from using 'I', essentially with 'I' this becomes personal to only you. Instead you should have said "yes climate change is accelerated by/because of human activity.

Rivers(8) Clarified
1 point

I understand your perspective and wish for you to note to your self that I myself do not necessarily support either side of this debate.

Rivers(8) Clarified
1 point

Figurative, literal, or relative hell? You almost just made this easy for me!: "is it intelligent life that can speak to you, and relate itself to you?"-- I am wondering, will not this fetus become a child within a short time span? Become a being that can think, 'relate to' myself, and think 'speak with me' through intermediate conversation? It seems as though what you were implying was that a micro organism on a distant planet cannot do any of these things... but was that not the point of the pictograph, to show that a child does have all of these attributes and that an organism on a planet may not evolve to the point of these abilities, which a fetus as I said previously will develop within a mere few months into a healthy breathing baby. I apologize for any grammatical or punctuation mistakes.

Rivers(8) Clarified
1 point

I must ask you just one thing: what would you tell a Young Earth Creationist? How would explain to a individual who would tell you the Earth is somewhere to four-thousand to five-thousand years of age? This comes from pure curiosity... I would never support such a ridiculous ideal like YEC.

Rivers(8) Clarified
2 points

"Subjective point of view"-- my mistake. I have to have or exceed the amount of characters needed to make my clarification of sentence, so this is why I am typing this.

5 points

The argument that should actually be made is this: whether climate change if man made is antagonistic to the state of nature or if humans should be optimistic about this incoming and present change. But then if it is just natural causes, than we can only expect nature to change as nature needs.

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