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RSS Soccerunman

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

However, Mythbusters didn't do a very good job in testing this.

They only used one controlled environment, and they performed running and walking twice each.

Also, they weighed lab coats after the experiments. Whose to say that the lab coats were all the same weight before the experiments?

How do we know the rain was coming down uniformilly onto them?

There are lots of variables mythbusters didn't address in the video that could have led to incorrect results.

0 points

Let's say I were to experience happiness first.

If I knew that pain were to come after, I would have a hard time enjoying my happiness because I would be stressed about the pain to come.

If I didn't know that pain was to come after, and then I experienced pain, the pain would be more fresh in my memory and I would remember that more than my happiness.

Now lets say I were to experience pain first.

If I knew that happiness would come after, bearing the pain would be easier knowing that there was something better coming.

If I didn't know happiness was coming, and then I experienced happiness later, the happiness would feel so much better in contrast to the pain (better than the happiness i would experience without pain). Also, the happiness would be more fresh and prevelant in my memory.

2 points

I'm glad you feel like your marriage to your wife is special.

However, how would your marriage be any less special just because same sex couples can marry?

Also, do you want another man to never feel that special feeling you have just because he loves another man?

Your argument is that allowing gay marriage hurts all heterosexual married couples (which I disagree). But not allowing gay marriage hurts all homosexual couples to a greater extent than the prior.

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