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RSS Sparky9171

Reward Points:70
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I believe some type of universal healthcare should be available for all, and if it isn't enough, then you should be able to purchase extra insurance. The healthcare industry in America is a BILLION dollar industry, bringing you back to health, so you can owe them the rest of your life.... What a scam...... It's just another example of how the wealthy can become healthy and the rest must fend for themselves. How do you justify 1500.00$ for a MRI?... This is my experience.. Even though I have insurance, I had to pay, 500.00 out of pocket... What's up with that?

2 points

I believe science tells us a lot, even though incomplete, there is enough evidence of evolution....... But what was there before we evolved ?

1 point

I believe it is inevitable, as technology grows, the opportunities to use it in practical ways increase. Slowly these changes evolve, and as we slowly accept these changes, before you know it, we are sitting in our vehicles being driven to work, not exceeding the speed limit, not zig zagging, not tail gating, etc. etc. etc. So what about traffic tickets... No more violations? Seems crazy.... Just might be the future..... Who knows.....

1 point

Sorry, I meant omnivore, not herbivore..... Sorry for all the confusion folks.......

1 point

When I stated in moderation, I meant meat,veg's, grains in moderation......

1 point

No I am saying, maybe my lack of protein from meat, may have contributed to my issue... Also the fact I have a very physical occupation....

1 point

We are all neighbors living together on this one planet, we all have something to teach or learn from one another... Know one is greater than the other, we all have the same make up..... Peace for the World........

1 point

I recently went through a serious incident with sciatica, and my conclusion after many months of rehabilitation, and still not fully healed, if ever? My belief is due to my lack of protein in my diet as a 90% vegetarian , meaning I only ate fish, or chicken a couple times a month. I did this for 4 years until this recent episode. I believe between my lack of protein and my core strength diminished, it led to this injury.... I believe we as humans were meant to be Herbivores. In moderation of course .

2 points

I believe as it stands, the reason for the difference in reproductive systems is to produce offspring, to maintain the species, with that being said, the attraction to a similar sex rather than the opposite sex occurs throughout nature as well, but I believe the true intention of nature was to join Male and Female to reproduce, and any other scenario must be considered an abnormality.

2 points

People think if you belong to a union you never get fired, or it's very difficult to get fired, well I guess it depends on the Union? I belong to a Union, and the way it works is the employer can fire you at any time, for almost any reason, but then you end up at the union hall, looking for another job. You can only get away with being some kind of problem employee for a short time, before you become known as such, then you are basically S.O.L... Our Union provides training and continual training for its members, we are also very active in our community, The Union provides a means of checks and balances that are negotiated buy its members and employers every three years. Buy Union Buy American........

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Universal healthcare
Winning Position: Creation or Evolution ?
Winning Position: For
Winning Position: Why is it so difficult to live in harmony
Winning Position: Carnivores, omnivores, or Herbivores
Winning Position: Is being gay or bi-sexual an abnormality?
Winning Position: Union
Winning Position: Foreign
Winning Position: Elliptical

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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