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RSS Stanivuk

Reward Points:5
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Death scary?

Shouldn't be.. inevitabilities should never scare you.

What happens, happens for a reason - use the opportunities you have.

As an atheist, I'm very interested to see what will happen when I die.

Supporting Evidence: I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. (
1 point

It is against all moral laws known to me to kill a man without a trial. Moreover, it's something that should never happen in a democratic and free society (among other things, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?).

US foreign policy is a very controversial subject.

Supporting Evidence: Debate: US foreign policy - is it good or is it terror? (
1 point

Humans, unlike (most) animals, have sex for pleasure - not just to reproduce. Therefor, you need contraception. There is nothing morally wrong with it - because it's simple prevention of giving birth to unwanted children and protection from diseases (when having sex with a new partner).

"Taking nature's course" would mean mass spread of STDs, very high birth rate combined with very high mortality rate (possible overpopulation and starvation). Basically we're described Africa in recent past (the situation is slowly getting better).

1 point

Nice of them? But they already have payed.. a lot.[argument explaining that]

Wasn't that nice enough? If not, who would determine how much more they would need to pay? And who would explain why this issue was brought up now?

1 point

It is. Yet, it's understandable in a way. I don't think anyone should hold it against Americans.

However, there are certain facts that should be kept in mind. "War on terror" has killed more civilians than "terrorism" itself. That's something to think about.. :-\

But, I don't want to stray from the subject. My answer is simply that from a moral ground - it's not acceptable to be celebrating someone's assassination.

2 points

We should define that word first.

The way I understand it, the term is used for a female who has slept with a lot of men.

Assuming she loves me and I love her, I would, of course, then trust her too. Her past would (and should) not affect my feelings for her. Marriage is a matter of love, commitment and trust - not sexual experience.

So yes, of course I'd marry her if we loved each other!

1 point

After WW2 (in 1948) Israel declared independence on Palestinian territory temporarily held by Britain at that time.[1] This has caused tensions that we still see today and was done with the blessing of the US - the Jewish people has been given a country at long last. (Read/listen_to Chomsky to find out more about the connection between Israel and the US)

On the other hand, Germany was forced to pay very high reparations; figures very from $33 billion[2] to $61 billion payed to Israel and Third Reich victims. And privately they paid even more.[3]

Also, they have apologized to Jews and condemned Hitler and the Third Reich. Therefor I see no need to punish them further, at least not formally. I'm sure they privately still donate money.

So, the horrors done to the Jews will (and must) never be forgotten - but, money-wise, if we can even measure such a thing, it can be said that they have been repaid.

1 point

I believe it to be a question of love, more than a question of healthy religious beliefs.

Do I love myself or my child more? Am I willing to obey my god (in order to secure my place in heaven) and end my child's life on the Earth?

It would only make sense to do it if god promised that the child would instantly go to heaven - otherwise you're denying it's chance of redemption!

So, in that case - we come to the problem that casper3912 analyzed. It's simply too big of a risk for anyone rational to take.

Winning Position: US is a force of terror

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Stanivuk Bujas
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: Croatia
Religion: Atheist

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