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Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree because they both have to deal with the the best of a specie.However, social darwinism is done on purpose to improve a specie. While darwinsim suggests that the best stay live and reproduce.

1 point

I agree, Darwin had a theory of the best fit being able to survive. This leads to eugenics because if the best fit survive eugenics is the study to improve a species. Therefore, they are tied together.

1 point

I agree with Kevin because Darwin thought of African Americans as animals instead of people (white people.)

0 points

Simliarities between Darwinism and Social Darwinism include... Making babies of one specific race in order to make workers. This could be thought macroevolution because when you take one race and making multiples of them you are causing a huge change. From a diverse race to a race in which all share almost the same amount of characteristics. Then again there is a difference. For example, in Darwinism we see reasons why a specie can be affected by nature. In social Darwinism we see people or a species purposely affecting the gene pool through isolation of other species.

1 point

A good reason for why Darwin contributed to eugenics is his theory of geographic isolation. When one controls something that leads to multiples on one perfect thing. Eugenics is trying to improve the human race. Therefore, Darwins theory ofgeographic isolation can lead to the creation of a pefect species.

1 point

1. Epigenetics can be compared to Darwin's concepts. For example, we know epigenetics is the study of how the environment affects the expressed trait. Darwin learned that geographic barriers can cause animals not being able to breed (reproductive isolation). Epigenetics affects the phenotype and reproduction is a reason for epigenetics. The environmental barriers affecting an offspring to have a different phenotype. Now they are also different besides being very similar. Epigenetics is the study of how the environment affects a phenotype. However, Darwinian concepts contrast because descent with modification suggests that animals move and adapt to their surroundings. If animals adapt then how does epigenetics go along with descent with modification?

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