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RSS Thetheorist

Reward Points:5
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7 most recent arguments.
2 points

How the hell do we know its her baby?!?!? We need to go on the Muray show and get that baby a DNA test.

1 point

I am not sure if trolling...but magic is defined as "The power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces." Which is miracles....just like the magic or miracles of modern day science

Thetheorist(5) Clarified
1 point

Again magic can be in different forms and magic can be used in many ways...people might say "god" is using magic.

1 point

First of all i really hate this argument because it doesn't include other religions.. and seconded it doesn't say what type of magic there is the magic in science a one could say, so in reality this debate is flawed.

1 point

You must be the most ignorant person... ever ! What about other religions ? I am disappointed that you bring such a loose subject.

0 points

Well i believe it would not resort to nuclear war right away,no i believe that the smaller nations well become a sort of vassal to that country..but you are right after that period passes a resources necessary to live in this era become more scarce war will happen what one knows..but yes out of the ashes will possibly be a new world order that is if people become more knowledgeable.

1 point

Well if we were in a "New World Order" as it may would that be one were there is a Democracy , and any ethic group could be elected , it would be a good thing. But how would this fair with currency ? Governments can easily be corrupt in this fashion, and whats stopping them ? They are in power and nobody can change one can threaten him/her and his/her madness. Markets will and have to adapt in a extreme way. People also do not change their nationality or ethnicity easily. In this day and age i would say no we should not move toward one world government, not at-least we have figured a more reasonable way of government, but hopefully in the end we will overcome those obstacles and lead into a golden age of humanity.

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