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RSS Aidanmawrice

Reward Points:2
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think that while Jefferson's achievements are notable, his views on government, economy, and industrialism aren't even close to how good Hamiltons were.

1 point

I find it very hard to pick either of these men on which had better ideals, simply because they balanced each other out with their ideals, Hamilton with a better economy and Jefferson with better execution and social presence in my opinion. Whether either had better ideals wasn't the question though, it is who had the more enduring vision of the United States. Both men were extremists and very different, pretty much polar opposites in their views. Jefferson liked the common man, and socialized with them. He liked farmers, and wanted state government rather than central and wanted the United States to be rather rural than have cities in it. Hamilton was different, he saw the poor as incompetent and unfit to run the city, despite being a self made man and poor when young. Hamilton wanted industrial cities and a central government, like a modern day democrat.

I think that the question "Who had the more enduring vision of the United States?" goes to Hamilton, because it is his economy that is in effect today (and although it isn't quite working well right now) it did back then and has been for all of this time. Hamilton's views were more logical and futuristic, despite him feeling that way about the common man. If his views on industrialism and his economy weren't implemented the America we have today would in no way be the same. It would have a worse economy, and it would be rural. This isn't to say that Thomas Jefferson isn't smart, I mean he wrote the Declaration of Independence and made the Louisiana Purchase, it's just that Hamilton left a way more enduring vision of the United States.

1 point

I agree with this. Both men have their respective upsides and downsides but in the end, Hamilton wins only because of his "realistic approach to what our country needs." Good essay.

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