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RSS Alexander_11

Reward Points:1
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1 point

get teachers armed ??????

just imagine a massmurderer attack in a school with armed teachers. Within seconds the murderer is in the classroom doing his evil work. No time for the teacher to get the weapon from a save and locked place.

Or the teacher has to wear the weapon at his body. He needs free and immideate access within seconds. But that means permanent unsafety to the students and the teacher. For example, because the teacher is in a terrible bad mood or is getting psychotic or is in rage ororor

From a european point of view it is an absurd and obscene debate to arm teachers.

How much anxiety must be in the american society that so many people are in such a desperately need for deadly weapons? How is it possible that people declare the campus of a school or a university to a battlezone? Thats just pervert.

The easier the access to weapons the higher is the chance that wrong people get one.

The more widespread weapons are the higher the chance that normal conflicts between ordinary people are not solved by words or fists but by deadly bulls.

Its just that we as europeans don´t understand why the americans doesn´t see what´s obvious: With weapons life is more dangerous, without weapons life is less dangereous. Without weapons the children of newton and their teachers would be alive celebrating christmas with ther families and so on.

In my view Safety und Security are very important values. For my neighbourhood, for the city where i live and for the country too.

But my expierence is that Safety and Security are not based on weapons but on social stability, access to basic human needs (food, water, housing, health insurance) and moral values.

Just look to europe. In many european countries its not allowed to own a weapon. With a few exceptions. The numbers of shootings and massmurderings are very very low. And the europeans are NOT better than the americans. There is just one reason why our shooting-rates are lower: For average people it is very very difficult to get in possession of a weapon. There is no legal market, there a high restrictions which make it nearly impossible for a private person to buy a weapon, except hunters and some sportsmen.

And therefore the probability for a person with actual mental health problems or low intelligence or without empathy oder with too much testosteron is very low.

Sorry for the mistakes.


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