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RSS Alyza-ally

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point


Becuase my actions represented those of an ideal and loyal wife, women were to act this way as well towards there husbands and were not equal.

1 point

Unless they would cooperate with them, then they were spared. Especially if they had special skills, they were recruited by the Mongols.

1 point


Since Gengis had such a respect for me, it allowed other stron-willed women to rise to positions of status and authority in the empire

1 point


I was abducted by a Mongol named Yesugei and taken as his wife.

alyza-ally(13) Clarified
1 point

They used those people to help with manual labor, and those who can read and write were given tasks.

1 point

During wars, they would destroy cities with bombs and did not care if there was any cultural significance.

1 point

They killed millions of people during their conquest and were ruthless when killing people who would not surrender to them.

7 points

They built more infrastructure including building roads, bridges, and postal stations, which protected the Silk Road

2 points

The Mongols granted religious freedom and tolerance. They did not force anyone to follow a specific religion.

1 point

Increased the amount of paper money in circulation and guaranteed the value of the paper money in precious metals.

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