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RSS Anhar

Reward Points:2
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1 point

I believe that if this policy is implemented in the good way, the kids will never become a mindless clogs in some industrial machine. And both of the rights of the kids and the rights of the company will be preserved in the right place

1 point

I think that Child Labor should be legalized with using these following mechanism:

a. The age range of the children who can be employed as worker is never go below 14 years old. And the children who is going to be employed must be mentally and physically healthy.

b. The children must not be employed in the heavy metal workers or in the industries which requires the workers to deal with the unhealthy working space and the exhausting job.

c. The wages of the children must be proportionally balanced with the cost of their education and their parents' salary.

d. The company must take over the treatment cost if the child workers is somehow get injured during their work.

e. The working period of the child workers must be proportionally balance with the length of time that they use to study, play, and rest.

f. The kids who is going to be employed must be under the supervision of their parents

By doing the mechanisms above, I agree that we should legalize the child labor should be legalized due to these following justifications

a. The Nature of Children

It's the nature of the children to learn from what they're doing. By letting these kids to work, we can directly teach them how to be a productive person by creating something. The kids' will easily learn the producing technique, and hopefully they can try new ways to create things up. Because it's the nature of the children to try things. The kids not only learn about the technique, but the children will learn about how to be responsible with what they are doing, how to deal with the pressure, and how to be punctual, etc.

b. The Nature of Education

During these times, most of people misunderstand the essence of education, and the purpose of education. The kids can fulfill their education in many ways. But, during these times, most of the people believe that the education must be granted to the kids under the school table with a tight school's time table. In fact, Kids can learn from everywhere. And many researches had shown to us that the learning activity which is involves the kids' cognitive, affective, and assertive capabilities are more effective rather than the learning activity which only involves one or two of them.

Furthermore, the purpose of the education of is to give the kids the practical knowledge of life, so they can implement it in the future. And there's no guarantee that the theoretical knowledge will be easily implemented in the kids' real life.

c. The urgency of the policy's legalization

It's important to legalize the policy because the kids are the nation's future assets. And the government have moral responsibility to prepare these kids with not only the theoretical knowledges, but also with the practical abilities that they can use in future.

By legalizing the child labor, it will bring these following impacts:

a. Improving the economical condition of their family

b. Increasing the kids' ability

c. Improving the kids' morality

1 point

I believe that if this policy is implemented in the good way, the kids will never become a mindless clogs in some industrial machine. And both of the rights of the kids and the rights of the company will be preserved in the right place

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