
Debate Info

Every child must work Not, it should not
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 Every child must work (5)
 Not, it should not (6)

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kerim(17) pic

Should the child labor be legalized?

Every child must work

Side Score: 5

Not, it should not

Side Score: 7
1 point

I think that Child Labor should be legalized with using these following mechanism:

a. The age range of the children who can be employed as worker is never go below 14 years old. And the children who is going to be employed must be mentally and physically healthy.

b. The children must not be employed in the heavy metal workers or in the industries which requires the workers to deal with the unhealthy working space and the exhausting job.

c. The wages of the children must be proportionally balanced with the cost of their education and their parents' salary.

d. The company must take over the treatment cost if the child workers is somehow get injured during their work.

e. The working period of the child workers must be proportionally balance with the length of time that they use to study, play, and rest.

f. The kids who is going to be employed must be under the supervision of their parents

By doing the mechanisms above, I agree that we should legalize the child labor should be legalized due to these following justifications

a. The Nature of Children

It's the nature of the children to learn from what they're doing. By letting these kids to work, we can directly teach them how to be a productive person by creating something. The kids' will easily learn the producing technique, and hopefully they can try new ways to create things up. Because it's the nature of the children to try things. The kids not only learn about the technique, but the children will learn about how to be responsible with what they are doing, how to deal with the pressure, and how to be punctual, etc.

b. The Nature of Education

During these times, most of people misunderstand the essence of education, and the purpose of education. The kids can fulfill their education in many ways. But, during these times, most of the people believe that the education must be granted to the kids under the school table with a tight school's time table. In fact, Kids can learn from everywhere. And many researches had shown to us that the learning activity which is involves the kids' cognitive, affective, and assertive capabilities are more effective rather than the learning activity which only involves one or two of them.

Furthermore, the purpose of the education of is to give the kids the practical knowledge of life, so they can implement it in the future. And there's no guarantee that the theoretical knowledge will be easily implemented in the kids' real life.

c. The urgency of the policy's legalization

It's important to legalize the policy because the kids are the nation's future assets. And the government have moral responsibility to prepare these kids with not only the theoretical knowledges, but also with the practical abilities that they can use in future.

By legalizing the child labor, it will bring these following impacts:

a. Improving the economical condition of their family

b. Increasing the kids' ability

c. Improving the kids' morality

Side: Every child must work
1 point

I don't begrudge a starving family in a third world country whose kids have to work,

I do begrudge the situation which made it such, usually a corrupt and ass-backwards government.

It is better for humanity as a whole and individuals if kids concentrate on school to learn, and play to develope social skills and imagination, instead of becoming some mindless clog in some industrial machine.

Why anyone is for stepping backwards in our collective human developement is a mystery, but every few years some idiot with no perspective on history starts spouting off about the glory of cheap child slavery for corporations.

Side: Not, it should not
kerim(17) Disputed
1 point

you have just mentioned about the kids, who is working. Nevertheless i found academic articles, which has made an experiment and proved that it does not matter, if child is working and at the time studying. It will be motivation for children, because they will know how to spend money wisely and will know how hard it is to make money. If parents do not abuse children for a long time, children will be ready for individual life.

Side: Every child must work
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Child labor and mowing lawns on the weekend are not the same thing. Children cannot spend 8 hours a day working and also have time to get the schooling and play in they need to develop fully.

Side: Not, it should not
anhar(2) Disputed
1 point

I believe that if this policy is implemented in the good way, the kids will never become a mindless clogs in some industrial machine. And both of the rights of the kids and the rights of the company will be preserved in the right place

Side: Every child must work
anhar(2) Disputed
1 point

I believe that if this policy is implemented in the good way, the kids will never become a mindless clogs in some industrial machine. And both of the rights of the kids and the rights of the company will be preserved in the right place

Side: Every child must work
1 point

Why should it be? Is there a shortage of working age adults who need jobs?

Side: Not, it should not
kerim(17) Disputed
1 point

I am not talking about children, which has been abused by parents, My point is that child decide to work, should we allow him to do it? If it was legalized, child could understand parents, having an opportunity for children to enhance family’s income, to learn how to spend time rationally and have a chance to be more independent. Also he will be able to participate in discussion of distribution money for certain goods and services.

Side: Every child must work
Bohemian(3858) Clarified
1 point

By Children are you including those below the age of consent?

Side: Every child must work
1 point

As you have enough man power why you turn them into labour ?? where there's a lot of jobless adult

Side: Not, it should not
1 point

The Government don't think a kid is able to make the choice to don't really make sense to me, because work is a choice of preference, not a choice that requires any intelligence. Like a choice between apples and oranges it’s like a choosing between education and work and you’re telling me you prefer work. Furthermore, parents end up having an economic incentive to sell their children as labour for money, rather than requirement. For example, Brazil in 1990s, when coffee prices went up, child labour rates went up as well, and school attendance went down, because parents used this opportunity to profit. Child labour prevents children from attending school over a sustained period of time, because they spend most of their time and energy recuperating and working, leaving nothing much for schooling. Child labour prevents children from attending school over a sustained period of time, because they spend most of their time and energy recuperating and working, leaving nothing much for schooling. Furthermore, they often have to work substantial hours to be economically productive for the employer. For example, Sierra Leone and Niger, 78% child labour %, about 30% school attendance. Children have rights, more than adults, because they are less capable than adults. These rights are important and need to be upheld because parents do not always make the best decisions for their children and these rights protect the child from abuse and harm in these cases. Child labour clearly violates these rights and hurts the child. This work causes permanent harm to the child’s development and growth: the workplace is often very dangerous, in particular the jobs that children are needed to fill. For example, diving down to the coral reefs to attach nets, because only children are small enough to get down deep. The pressure permanently harms their body, and many children end up attacked by carnivorous and poisonous fishes. Similarly, an ILO report in 2002 found that 179 million children are currently trapped in child labour that endangers the child’s physical, mental or moral well-being. This results in a less educated workforce in the future, without the basic literacy/numeracy skills to take on more advanced jobs. Without these skills, citizens will lack t since child labour sacrifices the future development of our human capital and economic development, a ban on child labour is necessary. he ability to take on better jobs, and thus be locked into the same low-paying industry as before.

Side: Not, it should not

Child labor is an abuse and it should never be legalized. Child labor is atrocious.

Side: Not, it should not