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RSS Bj97

Reward Points:1
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

General Percival should be made responsible for the fall as he was the one who signed the surrender treaty and make the decisions,even though Yamashita threatened him but he could have not believed his lies.

He did not think ahead into the future if the japanese will ill treat singapore,if general percival continued on fighting,the british could have won and the locals would not have suffered 3 years of suffering under the japanese.

Yes.General Percival is the leader, but not a good leader if he is a good leader he would be able to lead his team well and would not have miscalculated that japan would come from the north.

1 point

General Percival commands this troops,he could have left a few good soldiers and generals to fight for singapore.HE should have already known of the terrain they were fighting which in the jungle.He should been known of it,thus he is responsible for the fall of singapore

1 point

Yes.General Percival was following orders from Winston Chill.But as ''MapleEvan'' has said he was unsure about the decisions.Which means he have the right to choose whether he should be attacking or defending.Thus due to the wrong decision,he should be made responsible for the fall of singapore.

0 points

The best generals should be evenly distributed.Because good generals are needed so that they can lead the troops. He would have know of the terrain that they were fighting which is in the jungle.He did not use the resources he had to the full potential for effective defence against japan

2 points

He deployed the troops and made all the decisions.He should be made responsible for the failure of his troops and decisions or defence. He is too focused on defending britian and did not focus too much on defending singapore.He believed that the japanese were easy to attack,this understimation led to the fall thus he should be responsible.

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