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RSS Boltzinger

Reward Points:27
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Skating is a Sport. Skating, besides being an important form of winter recreation and the essential skill in the game of ice hockey has developed into three different sports—speed skating, figure skating, and ice dancing. All three are now features of the Winter Olympic games. Therefore, ice skating is a sport.

1 point

Yes cheer-leading is a sport because you compete and go to places for tournaments. Take any other sport; for example, volleyball is competitive and you have to go places for away games, but once you have a certain amount of winnings, you go into a tournament and play for a placing.

1 point

Coed sports can distract the opposite sex by playing on the same court together. Some may not feel comfortable with specific people playing the same sport. If schools make rules for girls because it distracts boys, then why should sports be coed if it could "distract" others. Females and males are built differently by size and body mass so keeping things far would become much more difficult. A girl may be more agile, while a male may be able to lift more or have an increased endurance.

2 points

Broken Homes messes kids up and ruins there life. A life of abuse and neglectance make kids lead into trust issues of other social issues. Broken homes is not good for kids because it makes kids chose over parents, it is harder for kids to interact with new family, and broken homes changes views of people.

Displaying 5 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: flat tax vs. A graduated tax
Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: No

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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