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Reward Points:22
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Exactly, there are a lot of remarkable places worth seeing in London such as London bridge, Big Ben, St Paul Cathedral, Buckingham palace) Every day in London is full of wonderful impressions. Moreover, London is the city with the rich history) London is the city of wonders!

1 point

Such people who are became victims of ads they are just will-less people, who cannot define whether particular product is good and necessary whether it is unnecessary and just to buy... reasonable perception of ads can't make our life worse..Advertisement improve our lives by keeping us informed about the latest products developments and something like that...

2 points

only if u consider ads in a such way it Will be a big disadvantage... But we should find the benefits of ads. For example as i mentioned before ads keep us informed about prices... People shouldn't be victims of TV-shops and buy unnecessary things and even worse buy things that they can afford!

2 points

For u its funny.. . but in Kazakhstan it is a really big issue... I think it is very bad when natives don't speak at all or speak as if they are foreigners on their own language!

3 points

yes, in another words, advertisements serve a useful process))

2 points

But, large forms of ads may be a good motivation for small business to improve their products and be competitive on the global market.

2 points

yes, i agree with u, moreover, ads keep us informed about prices. Prices change all the time, but almost everybody can look at the ads in the newspaper and see what the latest prices are.

1 point

through advertising we learn about new products. I think, these are very convenient for busy people. For instance, busy parents.... Busy parents don't have time to look at every item on the store shelf, so without advertising they might not know about new products...

1 point

The purpose of advertising is to tell the consumer about any new product or servise or any new promotion on the existing product and service. We need it so we can make good decisions when we go shopping. Advertising tells us when new and improved products become availiable and lets us to know which ones have the best price.

1 point

computers don't steal our time... Of course if you r a will-less person and spend all the precious time in social networks and playing different games, in this case, the wrong use of computers would steal our time. But if you are capable to arrange you time in a proper way computers can be your "friends" and make your life much easier...

Winning Position: Yes

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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