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RSS Bubbas123

Reward Points:2
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4 most recent arguments.
4 points

Abortion can only come down to one question: Is the fetus alive or not. If it is alive, then destroying it would be murder. The burden that a life may create should always take a back seat to that life being give a CHANCE to exist. We have no problem saying that James E. Holmes murdered in the movie theater in Colorado. What if some of those people had become a burden on their family? Is it suddenly NOT murder any more?

Also, the difference between a fetus that can be destroyed in a 'Partial-birth" abortion and a live baby that has full protection of the law is a distance of only a few inches down the birth canal. Killing it in the birth canal is the same as killing it in the womb.

2 points

Also, the central nervous system begins functioning around week 4. Most abortions are performed around week 8. Think the fetus can't feel anything? Think again.

3 points

But who is to say the child may not grow up to be the next Stephen Hawking, or even just a stable, healthy individual. Yes, there is also a chance that they would have a horrible life. But by killing the fetus, you remove ANY chance at all. It would be like the staff on the Titanic walking through the ship and killing every passenger aboard, rather than giving them a chance in the lifeboats or even in the open water (6 survived in the water by the way......Bet they were glad they were given the chance.)

1 point

You can tell It's God by having LEARNED what His voice sounds like to you. Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27). Sheep trivia: sheep will NOT follow the voice of someone they do not know. Sheep only get to know the voice of their shepherd by spending LOTS of time with him. Jesus uses this example to show us how we are not just left to our own minds.

Our spirit inside of us is what truly "hears" God. If we have spent time with Him we will recognize Him.

We do also have our minds as well. In Isiah 1:8, God says "Come now, and let us reason together." He expects us to use our brains when we talk with Him. As we have gotten to know Him and His voice, we have also gotten to know His character. If what He is asking us to do does not match what we know of His character, then it is a red flag that needs to be looked at further and verified if that is indeed what He is asking.

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