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Debate Score:51
Total Votes:64
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Cuaroc(8829) pic

If God asked you to sacrifice your own child, would you do it?


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 39
1 point

Well, if God told me to do it, then it is indisputable proof that God exists. Therefore, heaven must exist and my child would be on a one way trip to enternal happiness.

I think not killing him would be a bit selfish.

Side: Yes
1 point

You would have to debate whether God would ask this in the first place.

Side: Yes
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

You would have to debate whether God would ask this in the first place.

According to the bible he has done it before.

Side: No
sonya(20) Disputed
2 points

In the OT, once, which served a specific purpose.

Now did God actually let him kill Isaac? c;

Let us read the bible, in context.

Side: Yes
1 point

But here is a common argument, would you kill your un-born child is it would be born disabled, mentally unstable, ect. Would you kill your un-born child for any reason at all?

Side: Yes
-1 points

Yes. I am not a slave to my own will but of the will of God. If He chooses for me to do such things then I cannot deny this.

Side: Yes
LeRoyJames(372) Disputed
4 points

How can you tell whether it's God or the Devil asking you to do that? All you have is your own mind, and your own judgement. How can you use anything else?

Side: No
bubbas123(2) Disputed
1 point

You can tell It's God by having LEARNED what His voice sounds like to you. Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27). Sheep trivia: sheep will NOT follow the voice of someone they do not know. Sheep only get to know the voice of their shepherd by spending LOTS of time with him. Jesus uses this example to show us how we are not just left to our own minds.

Our spirit inside of us is what truly "hears" God. If we have spent time with Him we will recognize Him.

We do also have our minds as well. In Isiah 1:8, God says "Come now, and let us reason together." He expects us to use our brains when we talk with Him. As we have gotten to know Him and His voice, we have also gotten to know His character. If what He is asking us to do does not match what we know of His character, then it is a red flag that needs to be looked at further and verified if that is indeed what He is asking.

Side: Yes
Warjin(1577) Disputed
4 points

This only proves that people like you are selfish, you would willingly sacrifice your own child to please a god just so you do not burn in internal hell, I would willingly sacrifice my soul to burn in the eternal pits of hell for eternity then to comply to such a despicable demand from a egotistical dictator type god, this only tells me that you truly own care about your own well being and not that of another person, this is the problem with religion, religion feeds on one's personal fear and selfishness. This to me is the most disgusting thing anyone could say, how could one person do harm to another just to appease to a god.

Side: No
lolzors93(3225) Disputed
0 points

How am I selfish? If anything it would be the exact opposite! Going against God would bring death on both myself and my family. Instead, I would trust in God for a substitution just as Abraham trusted the Lord to do the same.... and a substitution was found... All things happen for the good of those who love the Lord!

Side: Yes
Apollo(1590) Disputed
3 points

Yes. I am not a slave to my own will but of the will of God.

What kind of sick god shackles his followers to bonds of blind obedience...?!

If He chooses for me to do such things then I cannot deny this.

Yes you can. If he wanted it done, he would have done it himself. If he is asking you, it is your choice. Why would anyone choose to kill their own child. That takes a sick, disturbed mind...or one with blind obedience to religion and a a god that does not deserve our recognition.

Side: No
Dremorius(847) Disputed
2 points

Hello? You there?

I think you've locked your humanity down into the rape dungeon.

Side: No
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

You sicken me. Pathetic ignorant slave to stupid beliefs and a fake god.

Side: No
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

I love all the scientific evidence and reasoning you had there. Only a true man of intelligence would approach something so open-mindedly instead of unleashing silly prejudices.

Side: Yes
3 points

Yet another example of how religion can bring good people to do terrible things. No. I'm not a barbarian or a neanderthal. Any god that asked me to do that can burn in the same hell I will be sentenced to for disobeying.

Side: No
1 point

Yeah, that's exactly what I want to say. This religion is can sometimes be reliable, but also can be terrible; just like in this case.

Side: No
2 points

Never. I cannot think of one single instance where any fact about a hypothetically existing deity could make me willingly kill my own child.

Side: No

I would say FUCK OFF unless he provided me with many cougars and a cure to my putting woes. ;)

Side: No
2 points


I would just yell in his face, "I not a stupihoe! You a stupihoe, filicidal whore!"

Side: No
1 point

No, definitely not.

So this is the religion thing again. OK, I will never sacrifice my own child. Let's see why not.

To start with, what is the exact definition of 'God'? The mankind does not know whether God really exists or not. Furthermore, we have so many religions here in Earth; Muslim, Catholic, Buddism, Hinduism and et cetra. Who is God, anyway? How can I know the man asking me to sacrifice my child is a God or not?

This is the second reason. What is the definition of 'sacrifice'? I mean, this God (although I do not know whether he really exists) asks me to sacrifice my lovely child. I do not know what for. For the good of the mankind? Maybe not. I do not want my child to be dead just for some trick.

Side: No
1 point

Umm, no, because i don't listen to the voices in my head :L Why would a God want me to do that, to see if i really do worship him, well then in that case.. No! I would rather my son have a long fulfilling life on earth rather to be cut open because of his fathers superstitions. What kind of a person cares more about them self than their son?! A mentally ill person ( the majority of the people on the opposite column.) So let me just make it clear to everyone else. The people who said yes, would willing kill their own child just to get a place in heaven. You just think about that!

Side: No
1 point

If God asked me anything, I would right away go to a psychiatric hospital. I don't believe that God exists, but even if He does, He gives no crap to the human kind.

Side: No

It's not that I'm opposed to making sacrifices for the greater good. It's that if I audible heard God speaking to me, my first step would be to call a psychiatrist, look into a shot of Thorazine or something. I've heard devout fundamentalist tell me before that they hear God speaking to them. Of course, that's different than saying "okay, I gotta feeling."

Personally, those people scare the pa-jesus out of me. When you get to the point that you're hearing voices in your head, or coming out of the burning bush, or from the dog's mouth, you have REAL problems. And you need to get help. I say that in all seriousness. Because a lot of people apparently think that God really IS talking to them. And we usually end up seeing them on the evening news, after God told them to something crazy, like killing their kid.

I know the question is based on Abraham and Isaac. And it's little things like that which cause me to disbelieve the God of the Bible, because why would any God worth following ask someone to do something which is wrong. What is not wrong when God ask you to do it? It's ridiculous.

Side: No
1 point

No since that, imo, isn't a loving act meaning that he isn't benevolent meaning in my books he ain't a god to me......

Side: No
1 point

Um.. I don't usually swear when putting across my perspective but.. FUCK NO.

Side: No

There are perhaps some situations in which killing would be justified. For example, people who have committed atrocious crimes like Osama bin Laden or Sadam Hussein. But to kill a child who has done absolutely nothing? No one can justify such a thing, not even God.

There is no situation in which an innocent child could justifiably be killed. Not even if God commands it.

Maybe God is all powerful, but if he is going to command people to do evil things, then I do not wish to worship such an evil deity.

Side: No