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RSS Cbucha

Reward Points:7
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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6 most recent arguments.
3 points

True, you should use an actual punishment, instead of making them sit there and hope that they do "self-reflection" or something.

1 point

I was actually serious about the uniform argument. Please post serious replies.

1 point

Yes, because educated people have common sense, so they know that some things people believe can never be true.

1 point

I've played on my friend's account before, and I liked it, but when I went to the website, I did a double take. It is SO expensive! They should lower the price, then they will get more customers. Maybe $4.99?

1 point

No. A lot of students use their clothes to express themselves, and if they use uniforms, they have no way to express themselves. Adding uniforms is stopping creativity and imagination, and also their ability to think for themselves. A lot of jobs nowadays don't have uniform, unless you count the low-paid jobs. Even if you have to wear a suit, there are tons of different colors, prints, fabrics, and styles to choose from.

4 points

What is detention? It's 45 minutes of your life, spent staring at walls, when you could be doing something useful. Do you really think that the people in detention are "self-reflecting" or whatever? They think of detention as a 45 minutes to sleep or doodle on the desks. They don't care.

Tied Positions: No, they shouldn't. vs. Yes, they should.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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