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RSS Digestedtree

Reward Points:13
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9 most recent arguments.

Exactly, i second something .

2 points

My post may not have good logic, but it isn't an example of an appeal to authority. If you understood what that fallacy meant, you'd understand that an appeal to authority would be more akin to saying that Google is ethical reading emails because it isn't illegal by US law. Served.

2 points

Someday I hope to be able to cache my own memories with Google's services. Google makes good products (Google+ is an exception to the rule) so we should recognize that Google is ethical in everything they do, including reading our Gmails.

2 points

Google is like a big brother, it would never hurt us! Google has a very in depth code of ethics that is designed not only to protect themselves but the users as well.

6 points

They're not really using the information to find out about our private lives, they are just counting types of words to determine what interests are for ad purposes.

2 points

We have no evidence that Optimus, "all in all", is better than Bender.

3 points

Bender doesn't have an additive personality, as evidenced by this provided clip.

EVIDENCE!!! Check time 2:16, this linker doesn't allow time setting I guess
5 points

Optimus prime has red and blue, which makes him 2/3 American

3 points

Bender has slept with other robots in the past, whereas Optimus Prime doesn't get any.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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