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RSS Espmed1

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

"Eugenics is the "applied science or the biosocial movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population," usually referring to human populations."- wikipedia

Here it states that eugenics is a practice that is aimed at improving the genetic composition. You are thinking of Epigenetics which is the study of the environment and how your diet and living style can affect you and possibly future generations.

Supporting Evidence: Eugenics different from Epigenetics (
1 point

During Darwin's time, there was slavery and slave trading this, had a big effect on Darwin. He didn't support slavery, but he saw the slaves as animals. More specifically, he saw them as apes because of their skin coloring. The lighter-skinned people then began to accept his theory and saw it as a chance to justify the way that the slaves were treated.

1 point

You are a little off in your years here by a century but, you are partially correct because Hitler did use Darwin's idea using artifical selection to choose who lived and died.

1 point

I disagree because Darwin's theory has to do with evolution, how organisms change throughout their lives and for their future generations like how the environment changes and how they will later adapt to it. Eugenics is the improving of genes. Like artificial selection. An example of artificial selection would be with slavery. If you have one slave that is well built and strong, and yet their immune system might not be the best. Then you have another slave of the opposite sex that is also well built but has a very strong immune system then you will try to force the two to breed to then get strong, well built slaves that have strong immune systems.

So I disagree that Darwin's concepts contributed to eugenics, because evolution through the environment is different than something like artifical selection where you choose what to keep and what to hopefully lose.

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