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RSS Faia01

Reward Points:11
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10 points

there are even singer that are muslims that are americans but if you hate them for their whole country your just racest i mean racist dont come from color you hate them from what they are and that is wrong i mean in muslims life jesus exist to but they dont take him as someone bad they cant hate jesus, christians take jesus as the god and for muslims he is a prophet of godbut even if you believe in jesus, jesus never said hate muslims i mean me i love jesus and i dont think on voting for any of these debates this is just what i know and what is wrong for americans to do, i mean dont yall think its time to give people chances if you learn a muslim its really good because like that other commented theres good and bad people but dont go around calling them terrorists and i watched this mean video some show that was mean about muslim and selling something like a pork spray that is really mean dont yall think they are humans too and have hearts wether they are good or bad but pork spray thats really mean and the same show on youtube saying that muslims should carry something that they are muslims so that they would know that terrorist is coming come on guys dont yall think of how people are feeling.....i mean there are lots of americans that are really nice and dont talk about people like that but if you hate a person keep it to yourself and dont get near them i even relized that at this website theres more muslims talked about and this is not cool at all either your trying to be a bully in the computer or just plain mean but they have heart and dont think all are terrorists i mean do you think alot of muslims did that disaster at 9/11 do you think all muslims did that when your saying MUSLIMS are terrorist there were few mean muslims but not all muslims i mean some muslims are on the americans side for what happen on that day i herd that muslims can fight for their religion but not just destroy other people country and kill lots of people muslims werent told that at all and those muslim that made 9/11 happen they knew that they didnt care and the other ones didnt many live in the U.S they are not terrorists you never blame on the whole muslims for what happened just like back then there used to be slave owners and not all americans were slave owners were they? no many hated that i would love some respond thank u

8 points

look idk what this arguements about but not all muslim are arabians theres muslim around the world like there is some muslim in the united states there are white people and black people that are muslims, there are some poor people in africa that are muslims just cuz arabics speak the muslim language dont mean they are all muslims

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