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RSS Freethink

Reward Points:8
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10 most recent arguments.
freethink(8) Clarified
1 point

They are not following their religion closely enough. The trend seems to be, the stronger your Islamic convictions are, the more violent you are.

2 points

"Done in a Disney studio"

-Prove it. Otherwise, you're just talking out of your ass.

1 point

"you've been programmed to see things that are not there"

-How so?

"and/or the galaxies we see are all gone because of the time it takes for light to get to us."

-They could be gone, theoretically.

1 point

""Surveyors' operations in the construction of railroads, tunnels, or canals are conducted without the slightest "allowance" being made for "curvature,""

-Cite your sources.

"A level expanse of this extent is quite incompatible with the idea of the Earth's "convexity.""

-How so?

1 point

CAMERAS however, have been in orbit. So no, it's not "guessing".

1 point

"horizon always appears completely flat, regardless of height or location."

-False. The curvature appears more defined as altitude increases.

"it always rises to eye height"

-What are you using as a reference to determine this? Or are you just parroting?

"If the Earth were a spinning ball, truly, consistently flat water surfaces would not exist."

-What makes you think truly flat surfaces do exist?

"Every time experiments have been conducted to prove this, however, the standing water has been found to be perfectly level."

-Bullshit. There are countless photos of ships, buildings, and land masses, partially obscured by the horizon.

"if the Earth were a spinning globe, airplanes flying west would have to fly faster than the Earth spins to reach their destination, traveling at over a thousand miles per hour"

-This is false, because the Earth's atmosphere is moving with the Earth.

"possibly the strongest proof, is the experiment known as "Airy's Failure".

-I call BS on that one. The speed of light is still very fast. The speed of light traveling through a diamond, is only about half speed.

"If these techniques, which assume the Earth to be a flat plane"

-Citation needed.

1 point

No, faith is what's left in the absence of evidence. When you have some evidence, then you have some insight.

"People only cling to that kind of belief because they know God ruling over them means they are in trouble and they hope to be exonerated in death and get out of trouble by dying."

-That's hearsay.

1 point

Are you suggesting that the answer can only be on or the other? Why can't both be true?

1 point

Of course abortion is the taking of human life, but only in the sense that a fetus is classified as human in species. You can't call it a person, unless it's sentient. A more accurate question would be is a fetus a human being, or a person.

1 point

It's not the same argument, because slaves are sentient beings. Fetuses are insentient.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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